Friday, April 13, 2007

Teacher Evaluations........

I can't tell you how nervous these usedta make me.... Mebbe it had to do with the utmost respect I held for the Principals I worked with... (Jog your brain checkenginelight bloggers... Mrs. D <-- the one that had ZERO faults until the day I rode in car with her... and Grundy <-- idol... Mr. Calm... a perfect man, a perfect role model...)

I always graded out Ok, but WOAH, them moments leading up to.. and the actual time in the office one-on-one were a BEAR.

I guess, a Teacher Evaluation in Chicago recently, was more a BARE thana BEAR.

Uh huh, Leroy (The principal) and Janet (The Teacher) got into evaluating each other a little more than what the district had intended. In fact, someone planted a bug (camera) and caught TWO AND ONE-HALF HOURS of their sexual encounter, or "evaluation."

Copies of the "evaluation" were mailed to parents... and of course, all hell broke loose...

Now... Principal has resigned... "Quitting for health reasons"... NO GD!!!! DON'T DO THAT!!! I'm fitty-four... I'm ENVIOUS!... If you went "for two and one-half hours" I want your GD autograph! Or, how many GD milligrams of Levitra the doc is prescribing. Shit, I bow to you.

She, Janet, submitted her resignation "due to the illness of a family member." Wow. I'm shocked!

Come on Leroy! On with the evaluation! How was her performance? Was she supportive of you hard rule?... Her procedures?... Techniques?... Could she relate one-on-one?... When given a directive, did she blow things off?...

How was her criteria? (No, that wasn't a typo)... Instruments?... Did she seem practiced?.. Was there a pie chart involved?... Did she help to achieve? Were her plans useful?? Is she the typea gal that would get down on her knees under the desk for a ruler? Do you have finite results from the sampling?

Had you vebally explained your expectations to her? Her 'show and tell' classes? Does she need guidance (counselor)? Does she get all she can outta the materials/equipment provided her?

Wow. Sorry. And all they wanted to do was doink.

Leroy boy is that you?... I thought your post-hangin' days were through...
We gotta get you a woman, We better get walkin', we're wastin' time talkin' now.

We gotta get you a woman
And when we're through with you,
We'll get me one too.

Siskel and whatever the new guy's name is... Two thumbs up brother... And to think.. I was justa GD Elementary PE teacher who thought the 2nd grade teacher hada nice ass. Damn I shoulda continued my education.

Loveya! Victurd

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