Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dear John.......

Ewww just the sounda that.. cringe cringe cringe!

All's good. Life is like a basketball shot. A little less than half the time they go in... about 60% of the time they rebound out...

To me, it's what you do with that 60% that tells all... (Remember? Momma said "the secret to success is how you deal with Plan B"... or, in this case, "plan C, D, E, hell, mebbe N... I quit countin!" To be repetitive, Mick tells us "you can't always get what you want"..... Yeah, heard that. Don't linger there, go on...

So I did, and have. Victor WTF are you talking about? Eh, nevermind. Really ain't for interenet publishing...

I can just tellya today I've had happy eyes. Today at work, friends were even closer friends. I love my friends at work, I truly do. I value what they say, how they say it, and just the fact that they do say it. Ever say "thanks for caring?"... I have, and I really do, and did today. Misty/Kendra - I love ya....

Then, close your ears, went to The Corner tonight... "my place"... Sure, old High School buddies there.. Same ole joshin' and jukin'... nice...

Sat by a gal who was fretting... Too damn pretty a gal... married... as in... "Stay away Victor"... She was there because of a rift between her and hubby on how he was treating her 18 yr old daughter (his step-daughter) and... the fact that he's demonstrated jeolousy... WOAH did botha those hit home. I felt for her. If he were there, I'd wanna grab him by the collar, pull him in and say "you fucking goofball...she loves you like crazy.. as she repeated again and again tonight... have some trust... and about her daughter... let her make mosta the calls... it's her kid." I know though, I've been there.. Before crow's feet set in I had the mindset pee in the stool from one's flesh and blood kid was "cute"... and if it were from "step"-something - well, THAT, was an issue. Just the realization of the difference in mindset REALLY helped me to be a better step-dad. I loveya Denton, and THANKS for teaching ME how to be a stepfather..

Then looking further across the bar... college kids... the time of their life... and the "what lies ahead?"... Oh shit. Tons of life questions... The right choice? The right career?.. How do I be a dad? A mom? A step dad? A step mom? Will my kids love me if I only see them on weekends? Will the bastard living with them takeover my role as 'father'? 'Mother'?.. What if I just ain't ready to leave this Corner Bar good times role? My parents are aging - HELP!!!!

While - to look - and see the tight GD bods, and the flat bellies - I was actually kinda envious... and then I thoughta that shit... and huh uh, no thanks... You go... learn... try... fail... succeed.. But I'm really glad I've "been there and done that" and that it's your turn...

Then, same ole same ole crowda folks... about 5 couples.. same group every Wednesday... yeah... that rocks... simply a good time... good friends.. no jealousy... no movin' in on so-and-so.. bonds...

Life is a party. Sure, the record skips. (For you young punks, that means occasionally the needle on the 33 (or 45) will go haywire.. and u either have to start over or push it on past where it skipped... but you put-up with it.. and u continue to enjoy life throughout the song.)

Victor, have you been drinking? SCOFF THE NOTION!!! Don't you KNOW me by now?

Uh huh, what I thought.

Love, Victurd... HICCUP... oh, sorry!...

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