Saturday, March 31, 2007

There.... better now...

Wow it was great to get to sleep last night... Remember the old crochety mechanic I worked with (Deke) who usedta end his shift.. walk over to the calendar and marka humongous magic marker "X" thru the day's date on the calendar? Well.. I guess now I sympathize with him.. at least for a day... Oh mercy, if I felt that way every day... I pity his poor wife!

Dunno if you saw the paper this morning... Feller came home from card game... his wife was rolling around in hot passion with another feller in a pickup truck in the driveway.... thinking quickly, she started screaming "RAPE! RAPE!"... Hubby got gun, shot other feller to death. Oh shit. On Thursday, a grand jury handed up a manslaughter indictment - against the wife, not the husband.

I'm reminded of a Twilight Zone episode... mighta been an Alfred Hitchcock, ain't sure... anyways, 'twas a fav of mine... Guy's brother is going nuts, literally nuts... Sweating profusely, cursing, talking about this man and the bad things he'd done.. His very out of character behavior (borderline lunacy) convinces his brother he should assist in tracking "this man" down, and kill him on behalf of his brother... They drive down the road... brother's behavior stranger and stranger... more profuse sweating... finally... "THERE HE IS!!! THERE HE IS!!"... brother pulls car over.. shaking (but knew he had to do on behalf of brother) shoots the guy dead.. back in the car... down the road... brother better, but still not quite right... uh oh... next feller they come upon "THERE HE IS!!! THERE HE IS!!!"... oh shit.

Ok... brain outta gas. Can't thinka no more to write (YEAHHHH - they say).. .hehe.. Gonna go experience life for awhile and hopefully something will pop up.. and I'll pop back in. Bathe daily. Use deodoant. Brush them choppers... and if you ever make amorous love in a pickup truck with another's better half - please make sure it ain't in their own driveway. Happy day, love, Victurd.

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