Saturday, March 03, 2007

System restore...

I am the farthest thing from any kinda computer expert... but I have used System Restore before when the computer starts acting finicky...

You punch in an earlier date.... you click Ok... and jualah... your computer promptly returns to the configuration from the date you selected...

Wouldn't that be a nifty feature for us in life? I guess Doc Brown, Marty and the rest in Back to the Future made a mint outta the same idea...

Thinka the positives.... if you know of an illness.. you could go to an earlier date and attack that sucker...

If you've done or said something stupid (of which we all know I'm for certain guilty) - you could wipe it out... start over... have the other person not be upset/mad at you...

Problem is, it ain't happenin. Not in my lifetime, not in your lifetime. We is who we is, we've said what we've said, we've done what we've done -- and we're only left to live with it... apologize to any we've harmed... I'M SORRY!!.... and continue on....

Yes, denoting we are human helps - but, it also might pave the way for similar mistakes to be repeated in the future... So we must stop, chastise ourselves... continue on - but always have recollection of what you did the time before that hurt someone - and to bring it to the forefront the next time you're in a similar situation.

Today is the cornerstone of tomorrow. Remember not to fuck it up. That, was Victor talking to Victor. Perhaps though we all need an occasional reminder dose.

If you happen to be among anyone I've ever hurt before - please know it was not done so with intent. I'm serious. I can be that. Most of the time I'm light - but within the 'light' is a very fervent seriousness. I compare passion to seriousness. Any kinda passion. I am passionite about much. Therefore I'm serious about much.

In betweengst, I might do something stupid like turn around, pull my pants down and tellya to kma... but there very definately is seriousness/passion, inbetweengst those moments.

So... to recap... I wish I could go back to the day/moment I hurt... I wish I could go back earlier for anyone's illness.. I'm human but that don't cut it... Remember next time you simpleton.... I'm sorry... I'm passionite... oh, and I guess I gotta throw the pull my pants down and kma part too... In times when my mouth ain't straight across... it's crooked... I love u all... Sorry if I've hurt - I never ever meanta... Victurd

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