Friday, March 09, 2007

The anti Emmitt Smith....

Tonight I go dancing with the stars. I so suck at this endeavor it's painful to think about, and even more painful if I do get up there and there ain'ta packa people to hide my pear-shaped body behind.

Still, I enjoy. Tis wonderful to hear the music, to forget the fact my mortgage company (and my car insurance company) that sent me "uh oh" emails today... to forget the work needing done on my house as it sits.... to forget about the parking lot where every car but one has two complete bumpers and are in park.

Just getting out is good... away from the dark light and the bright monitor... And, the company is good. The company can dance like a sonofagun, so this makes it even a little more itchy. I can't say "I'm too white" for I've seen very rhythmic white dancers. I guess I've just not played this scene often - and - whilst sports has been my activity mode - I ain't great at 'em, but they come hella easier to me than dancing.

I only pray for the day people won't stop and stare and think "Good God." How's the song go? People stop and stare - they don't bother me... for there's no place else on earth that I would rather be... I ain't there yet. Patience. For me, for others. GD I wish this was a sport.

The last time I was in the dance mode - was maybe a B-, C+ was when Sly and the Family Stone were "it".. That was a long GD time ago. Living from of fraternity house. Brothers, who cared. Dates of brothers, who cared. Music too loud? Who cared?... I guess there's a common theme here too......... Who cares? Maybe I can carry that over. I dunno. She is very patient - but I worry the day will come when that might not be the case....

Maybe we can miniature golf next time, YEAH, that's it! A movie? HELL YEAH, I can sit with the best of 'em... Bowling? Fuckin' A Ray... Now we're talking.

I'm only glad winter is behind us. She probably is close to being an Olympic Figure Skater as well.... Perhaps it's too bad tonight isn't a real-whatever they call those Dancing with the Stars Amazing Race Survivor things.. I wouldn't mind if Simon dissed my ass and screamed "get the HELL offa there!".... I mean hell, who cares? I care about you, and you, and you, and you (and "you toooo Victor") - alla ya... I do, I really do.

Dance like nobody's watching. Uh huh, sure. I hate you Emmitt. All I can try to match is your smile. And that I will certainly try. Hubba hubba, Victor.

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