Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Some people have all the verve...

Ok, yes, I was a PE major - so - whilst I thought it was maybe the right word I wanted to use here - close ur ears, I hadta do the Yahoo "define verve" thingy to make sure. Yahoo tells me "Energy and enthusiasm in the expression of ideas."

Yeah, verve. Expression - with energy. Kinda cool - like 'nerve' and 'verb' combined. The verve of him/her. Mark (The Bird) Fidrich had a curve ball - but, me thinks his best pitch was talking to the hitters, psyching them out, or, throwing his 'verve-ball.' That Peyton Manning dude (I know you hate him Kathie, I kinda likes the feller) the verve of him and all those antics right before a play. Ya gotta love it. Dick Vitale. Sometimes his verve gets on my nerves - but, he always has verve - never atta loss for words - and every time it's winged with enthusiam. The verve of him.

Most of us are lum-dumbs, sit back - thinka shit to say, 'ceptin we usually keep it under wraps... Them verve people - they kinda blurt out whatever they think, whenever they think it. And... generally, it's right on. Howinthehell do they think so GD fast?

It ain't no use to sit and wonder why babe.... just verve it!

Or........ howinthehell do they have the kutzpah to have thoughts come from the brain and go right to the tip of their tongue? And sooooooooooo GD fast. My thoughts - or my verve - sum'bitch leaves the brain - passes right on by the lips - and on the rare occasions when the verve in me stops - it's usually here.. in my fingertips... on the GD keyboard. (GD = gosh darn, ya know?)

Sometimes I wish I had the verve to tell some folks what I'd liketa tell 'em. Oft times I'll hear someone with verve respond with exactly what thought had barely begun to cross my brain - and I'm like "Yeah... what she/he said."

Many of our Holidays are mundane. I mean, hell, it's been over 200 years since either Washington or Lincoln were born... Labor Day? Criminy. Me thinks we oughta have a Verve Day. You could say whatever you wanted - to whomever you wanted - and there'd be no recourse.

"Baby, you gotta nice butt!"... "Do you folks practice trying to give this shittya service or does it come naturally?"... "Can you spell supervisor?"... . "I REALLY enjoy working here, but, I kinda wish they'd lost your application when you applied."... "What were you thinking when you asked her out?"... "What were you thinking when he asked you out and you said yes?"...

"Justa suggestion, but me thinks you oughta replace the 40 watt light bulbs in the room where you get dressed with 75 watt bulbs.".... "Hey you, you 6'5", 225 lb beast.. do you REALLY not feel gay when you do that 'rockkkkk chockkkkk jayyyyyyyyhawkkkk kkkkkuuuu' thing?" Hehe

Or howabout the simple "hey... wanna doink?"... eh, why not. The verve of me. The verve of you. Happy Verve Day to you... Happy Verve Day tooo you.. Happy VERVE Day dear (fill-in-the-blank)... HAPPPY verve day tooooooo youuuuuuu.

Try it, you'll like it. One time today - come outta that damn shell (oh believe me, I know somea youn's out there ain't gots no GD shell).. come out today and have the verve to say something you've always wanted to say... Doesn't have to be a 'dinger'... Can be a compliment. Or a suggestion... Just verve it.

It ain't no use to sit and wonder why babe... don't think twice, it's alright....

Ok, outta here. Happy Verve Day. Love, Verveturd

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