Thursday, March 08, 2007

Stuff I never understood.

Why nipples grow and pee pee’s shrink in the cold. Sorry, I’m a simpleton. Anyone ever notice how a bellybutton reacts?

Why women are the colorful, beautiful ones in our world, yet, the male Cardinal carries the beauty in the bird world.

Why basketball shoes are so squeaky yet they’re called sneakers.

Why it’s called a hot water heater.

Where do Priests go for confessional?

How something can be on the tip of your head and you ain’t got the foggiest idea what it is.

Why people still use www and all that http backslash crap.

I understand the first term, but in line with that thinking – why ain’t it called a “hard-off”?

Where the stuff inside zits comes from.

At exactly what point in the colon does a cheeseburger become bona fide poop? What’s it called inbetweegnst? Cheesepo?

Why we learned the capitol of West Virginia.

Have you ever used the square root since school?

Why toilets and hooker’s tricks are called “John”s.

Who sets the Master Control Clock?

Shucks, why do they call those thing on your feet corns?

Did Sarah (phone operator on Andy Griffith) ever get a day off?

Why men don’t advertise “Under new management” at the onset of their second marriage.

Why uptight is hated yet Archie Bell (From Houston, TX) made millions telling people to tighten up.

Yes, you’re correct. I’m tired, old. Shoulda prolly taken a day off insteada doing the above. I wondered about that stuff. I double dog dare you to post something you never understood. And… if you don’t, I’ll consider all you sonsabitches “know-it-alls”… Deal? Happy day, with love, Victurd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about the English word: to, too,& two. I bet other folks in different parts of the world think we're simpletons.(did you know our language is the only language that has words pronounced the same but with different meanings & different spellings)What are some others?

If ya "belly Up" to the bar is it "belly down" when you leave?

How come "lint" gets in your belly button and not your ears?

Thongs for your feet and your butt!

I'm sure I could come up with more but I'm kinda under the weather. Just had to reply cause ya double dog dared!