Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bling - Bling... Avon calling...

Nanny nanny boo boo stick your hand in Dippity-doo... hehe...

Sorry... always have, probably always will be "common man." Yes, my car sucks - but I think I've told the story of it here before - so I'll drive until the doors fall off... one is pretty close I think!

I guess the only time I threatened to someday become a potential "blinger" was when we owned the delivery business...and it was truly headed in the right direction. Gave that up ("you gotta pick me or the business" <-- swing and a miss) and lord knows I've had twelve too many jobs - but I ain't gotta lotta regret...

I've used wands to guide in a 747... I got to call a timeout 33 seconds before a state championship basketball game ended in our favor... I worked delivering to grocery stores on "The Avenue" - saw things like guys filling up carts with cartons of Kools - running out the door aheada security -- saw indigents rummaging thru dumpsters - and then the ones that followed after to pickout anything that might have been missed... I always wondered why those stores couldn't keep dry cat food on the shelves - then I finally figured it out...

I've manicured baseball fields... golf greens... labors of love... I checked in celebrities, athletes, and many many nice folks at the airport... I taught elementary PE and gotta tell kids to "run from this sidea the gym to that sidea the gmn as if you were an elephant... a snake... a rabbit...."... Started a little company that made $60 the first month - and was living off of it by the third month...

Quit jobs on principle.. Have hated unequal treatment of folks - and generally will speakup or get the hell out when it happens.... I've sold, I've told, I've worked in the cold... and now I'm old. Got-ta go anywhere we wanted to go for $6 coach, $12 (bling) First Class...

Would I like to have money? Oh sure... Are all people that have money rotten? No, certainly not.. Are there rotten poor folks as well as rotten blingers? Hell yeah. Once heard "the saddest thing there is is the sad rich man, for he has no hope."

I've done too GD much, and met not enough. Abouta year ago, boss asked if I wanted business cards... I've had business cards in the past - and I always hated them 'cause it was like "this is who he is".. and it wasn't.. I am me, I ain't my job. I am me, and yes I am my bank account. I told my boss I wasa footsoldier and that I didn't need any business cards.

One guy I once knew meta chick - she asked for his card - and said she only dated $100,000 a year men - and that she would research his background. Certainly her prerogative - but I too wonder how many good hearts she passed by. I guess the same could be said by us piggy men who quite frankly tend to ask based on looks.

Bottomline, I'm comfy in my own skin. I'm comfy if you ain't comfy with me. I'm happy if you are comfy with me. I love redneck jokes, and sometimes I resemble them. (Blingers close your ears: my key broke off in the ignition - so - I start it with a straight screwdriver... hehe... PLEASE don't come steal it though!)... I don't hate those with money - but I admit it's hard to relate.. Perhaps vicea versa...

I love this world because we have freedom of choice. Whatever your bank balance - I hope your life is filled with good, fun and happiness. I did actually once have a dog that hada pedigree.. (Smokey Butterball... he was a 3 yr old Yorkie who'd lived in the cage of a breeder for those three years... bought him for $25 at puppy mill auction as he was deemed "too big, undesirous to sire".) After a year of hiding behind the bed - he finally learned to run free like the wind. I miss him.

Again, God Bless our ability for freedom of choice. Happy day... oh.. and canya lend me fitty? I gotta nuther friggin' co-pay upcoming, and I'm justa tad bit short! Love, Victurd

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