Monday, November 17, 2008

What can tomorrow bring?

If we look at it lackadaisically, not a lot. Just another day. Refresh, unwrinkled, the outfit in the dryer for five minutes… (Victor, your dryer hasn’t worked since the OTHER George was in office.)… Screw that guy, you know what I mean…

Mundane, same ole wakeup time… we brush the chops within minutes of yesterday’s clock…we know we gotta be in the car by such-n-sucha time… We go… Pavlov-like…

I’m excited about tomorrow… (Oh shit, here comes the pulpit crap again)… NO! Jane, you ignorant slut, I AM!…

I am VERY thankful, it’s not a drudge to drive into work. (Misty, Kendra, Jana… I hate your guts for leaving)… I like what I do, and who I do it with…

“Tomorrow” can bring good news… Sure, it can bring bad news too, understand that, but I’m focused in on the good.

Joe Namath said something to the effect of “I can’t wait until tomorrow, ‘cause I get better looking every day.” Well damnit Joe, that mighta worked in 1969, 1974... But I’ve seenya since… You can’t fool Mother Nature..

I’m excited because I know… that’s right.. KNOW… one day “status quo” will turn into “status HOLY SHIT.. How did this happen?”… and it will… I believe that, I do… I hope the same for you… And if that should by chance involve ‘us’, chit, call me… 867-5309...

I’m in the GD blinder “Full speed ahead” mode… and I know it’s repulsive, ‘cause I’ve been there before, no doubt will be there again… but hey, it’s cool at least, to get one’s hopes up.

Dating, being an old fart… set in our ways.. Is kinda like the drive thru at Mickey D’s… First, the longer you sit without “Hi, welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order” the more you get pissed with age… “I’VE BEEN SITTING IN THE OUTSIDE LANE FOR 37 SECONDS LONGER THAN THAT BASTARD IN THE INSIDE LANE AND YOU TOOK HIS ORDER FIRST… “ (under our breath) Biotch…

We grow weary, excited, non-believing, pissy, grumpy, muscles taut, that that shit’ll ever happen…

Funny. As I did actually go thru Mickey D’s tonight..(“Yes, could I get a large FF, three double cheeseburgers, and on those, can u make them ketchup only”… and two water cups”).. I got thru the line. The car nexta me KNEW I ordered first, but the basta tried sneaking in. No way Jose. Pimp my 1999 Dodge van’s fender if you want. I’M NEXT.

So I tells the gal at the window (as I recite exactly how my son says I’m supposed to announce).. May I have a GOOD amount of ketchup?

Ok, change back. Correct. Up to the window. Reminded snotnose “good amount of ketchup”.. Bag comes from the far left… Didn’t see that they’d put ketchup in there.. Handed it to me.. “Did you remember the ketchup?”.. “Yes, it’s in there.”

Driving son home.”These burgers have all kindsa crap on them.. Onions, pickles, tomatoes, lettuce..… I wanted ketchup ONLY”

I prayed… for justa moment.. That the year was 2012 (surely my ‘by then 27 yr old”will have a car).. And that this was a figment… but it wasn’t…

So I rolled back around Mickey D’s… thankfully, he jumped out to fix the order…. And on I go, toward ‘happy’….

There’s a “revelation” out there.. I’ve gotten excited before.. This ‘revelation’ has more complications than a Rubik’s cube… but still, it’s a revelation”…

I’ll fillya in more as time passes (To you, WTF are you here? My life’s BORING! I can’t even get laid! For BEHOOGETY SAKES the daily newspaper is a feel good for me!)

So.. There you have it. I’ve been down this path before. Recently. Not so long ago. In 2006. In 2005. In 2004, or was it 2003.

Nonetheless…the revelation is out there… for every “no” it puts one that much closer to ‘yes’. I’m a sport’s fanatic… I see the missed 3-pointers, the blown lay-ups, the passes that shoulda been caught that ain’t.

At least I’m huddling. Game planning. I’ve only emailed one (It’s a long story) about this. I’ve been ‘up’ here before.. And fallen.. And although quite Albino-toned, I heal up perty fast. Can do again.

Ya just never know what tomorrow can bring. For us all (Amen Brother Ben) it’s what should keep us going. Believing. Hoping.

Borrowing the words from that little redheaded snotnose… “The sun’ll come out… tomorrow”…

Hope ur day was filled with feel goods, smiles, recognition that “this ain’t sucha bad place in spitea the shit”, full refrigerators, warm homes, and someone to snuggle with, even if it’s a GD pet.

Love, Victurd

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


How many times have you posted your cell number? Who are you expecting to call? Your Day Dream? A stranger? An old friend or someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows you?

Do you have any idea how hard it can be to reach out, to get to know someone knew, or hope for ....? What a new beginning? A new friend? A new love interest? A new person in your life? Or someone to take to your bed? It can take years to know someone and not really know them! It can take seconds for rejection and it can take years before the blinders come off and it's staring you in the face.

So I ask again, who are you expecting to call? Why not just ask them to call you? You don't seem shy.