Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Two’a the happiest moments of my life… .for real…….

I’ve not toiled here. Never ever. Each and every time I sit down, it’s a GD joy to do so. I think frequently “what should I write that might be funny, thought provoking… what am I down about that I/we can discuss to see if it’s really worth being down about?”….

I started doing this chit on 7/3/05, which happens to also have been my son’s 20th birthday. The “M” guy… “Dad” he recently said after for sure peeking at an occasional blog.. “would you NOT call me M____rd”… ok… so I’ll stop…

Three plus years of fun… frustration… trying to get my own ass up off the floor… and, “taking a ride in the car of life.”

I’m gonna share two emails I’ve received in those three years… It’s my greatest hope the writers of them won’t get PO’ed… ‘cause every time I sitdown at this keyboard, I thinka BOTH of their emails… and (he said with feathers puffed out) they make me feel perty damn good…

A recent one…….

met you about a year ago online. You probably don't remember me, but you have been an inspiration ever since. After having lost my husband to cancer, you caught my interest, providing a link to this page and I have been checking on you ever since. A stalker I suppose, watching from afar. Don't bitch, Daniel Steele, depends on loyal readers.

I liked the photo featured in your online advertisement but have since lost the link to view it.

You write very well and while I couldn't seem to spark your interest, you have managed to get me though some really difficult days.

Just wanted to say that I am sorry that whatsherface run off with the Harley guy, that your spending your vacation in court with son (been there done that), that the feel good girl is so shallow as to be cruising only for a paycheck, that family no long can be with you, that piggly wiggly hasn't managed to stock the shelves with several brands of "the one", or that your body is fighting back by slowing down.

Since you have provided me with so many hours of "inspirationsal" perspective, I thought maybe I would offer a little of my own. The Harley may have been the best thing that ever happened for you, that even without you knowing it you may be a blessing to someone, that the support that you give your son while frustrating also reassures you that you are needed, maybe you should try shopping somewhere besides piggly wiggly, I am finding that when the body starts slowing down maybe I should consider finding a new game, and that while memories are great reminders of where we came from and of those that we love trying to relive them results in missed opportunities to make new ones.

Sometimes aloof, sometimes cocky, I hear the spirit of a fun loving, awnry, sentimental, rebel, that is getting along pretty okay everyday and who doesn't forget to count his blessings. I know "Who ask you,?" Have you ever talked to the TV or the cat? And if so, why? Maybe for the same reason I followed through on the urge to comment, it breaks the silence.

Thanks for sharing the blog address. I'll be quiet again, at least for a while, or until I need to break the silence again! LOL…

And then, very recently, got this one…

I checked out your blogspot as you suggested in your profile.
I just had to tell you thank you. I was sucked right into your writing. You are a very deep thinker. I wanted to say thank you to you. I've been on the downward slop of the roller coaster the last few months and reading your blog gave me a reality check that it's time to get off my pity pot and turn this coaster to the upward position.

Not doing this for a pat on the back. I am friggin’ human. There’s a gal that stops by here, I illicit all this good crap.. She’s a very good friend of mine… and when her father passed, my eyes/ears were all too consumed about me to even pay respects… I’ve failed myself, and others, miserably a time or two…

I simply thought tonight.. I’d let you know how important each every one here has been to me. I love sitting here, and the fact that you come, read, has truly enhanced my life. Hear that? You do. All things come to an end. Who knows how this story will end. All I know is, I look forward to each and every opportunity between now and “then”, that we get to get together.

It’s truly a love kinda thing. Love, Victurd

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