Monday, November 10, 2008

Just a day….

I sat and stared at this page… With the risk of that one asshole saying “who said you were a writer” I think I’ve got writer’s block. (who said you were a writer?).. Asshole.

Then I got ta thinking.. All that crap runnin’ thru my brain.. your brain.. our brains.. the keyboard is too slow.. there ain’t enough megahertz, however u spell… Windows XP and AT&T DSL can’t keep up (that is, whenever I’ve paid my bill).. The brain, even this simpleton one of mine, is a remarkable muther dubber….

Thoughts of the plain ole day, what I’ve seen….

In line at Piggly Wiggly. BEAUTIFULLY gorgeous lady, roughly same age, wheelchair bound.. with a wonderful 8 yr old or so granddaughter to assist.. She put the electric wheelchair in “R” for ‘race’ and damn near backed over me… I giggled.. fastforwarded.. and imagined answering “so how did you two meet?”… Well.. she ran over me.. ‘Bound’ is a misnomer – as she was certainly enjoying being out and about…

“Dad, the trees are even pretty when the leaves all fall off.. I like ‘em like that too.. do all trees lose their leaves?”… Yeah, I think so.. while they don’t really have leaves, the fir families of trees stay green all year….(45 shopping days left!)…

Mickey D’s… Part owner of a local dive.. Late 70’s.. Struggles to the counter.. “Hi son”.. Hey Reuben, howya doin’?... Few months back, some 20-something ran up to him at the bar, goal was to hug – she knocked him to the floor… broken hip…

Few minutes later, very stately looking gent.. certainly athletic back in the day… now… the years had pushed his upper body over toward his eventual resting place.. hard to watch….

Still even, another man, even older… even worse off than Reuben or stately.. 15 paces to restroom.. with cane, stroke – took over a minute…

Second in line I was.. McDonalds dude chirps “May I help you?”… Feller in fronta me, 40-something, hands the snotnose a note with his scribble on it… points up to the board at the number he wanted.. Snotnose smile, nodded, and went to fill order.. Few minutes later, snotnose #2 walks up “may I help you?”.. ‘bout that time, #1 slides the feller his food.. as feller kissed his fingers and led his hand of thanks toward #1, he shrilled out “thank you”… #1 smiled, nodded.. he’d done well.. #2 about peed her pants as it wide-eyes startled her…

Life is startling..

Just when we feel our own problems can’t possibly get any worse – we’re awakened and realize perhaps our little diddies are actually a thing of trivial pursuit..

I didn’t enjoy observing struggle, but by God it does a heart wonders to see those that do tell the world “Go ahead life, I’ll take you on you cocksucker.. and even in my struggles I’ll find joy.”….

Almost “back to the ranch.” OHHHH NOOOO… GD (gosh darn) Black Cat… WHY ME?... Too fast to turn around.. I’m history.. My problems are real!!!!

Hehe.. If there is anyone out there who wants to grow old, have canes, lean wit’ me later, and mebbe “get a little exercise” in the meantime, call me… 867-5309.. we’ll do Mickey D’s.. or the Piggly.. or take a spin and see the trees.. or mebbe just take a nap…

Until the day I pee my pants and forget my name… love, Victurd.

1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is so good......