Monday, November 03, 2008

Victor, you’re weird……..

I’m glad you noticed! I hereby challenge u to do somea the weird chit below this week… (Blogger's note.. as always, I write to me.. I was'a average student.. didn't always get all my work done, and done perfectly.. I try though.. so I guess what I'm trying to say is I am far, far from some perfect little human who does it all right.. if I do three of the below, I'll be doing good.. nonetheless, mebbe some suggestions for us all)...

Take a spin (thank goodness for $2-something petrol) and count the colors of the trees around you….

Dig thru wallet/purse… or hell, if you’re onea them organized freaks, your address book… Peruse the numbers… call one (or five) of them people ya’ain’t talked to in awhile and do just that…

Get out old pictures.. Remember when you were younger, had less wrinkles, clothing didn’t take as much material… Notice the smiles.. who was around you in those photos with smiles… seen ‘em in awhile? Do so if ya ain’t…

Take $10, or hell $20, or whatever your budget allows… and go shop and buy something completely selfish…

Gotta favorite/fun coworker?.. Email ‘em.. or tell ‘em verbally… “hey, I like working with you.”…

Walk around the house… focus on something that’s there becausea you… Mebbe you made it, painted it, sawed it, nailed it, screwed it together, glued it… smile… and then thinka the next thing like that you wanna do… and get’ta planning…

Fifteen minutes. (We get 1,440 minutes in a day, 15 ain’t askin’ much.) You pet(s).. Turn off all the electronics in the house.. Devote 15 minutes (per pet) of doing whatever it is they wanna do. A walk, simply petting them, tossing them onea those expensive treats, take ‘em for a ride and let ‘em stick their head out the window before Jack Frost gets here….

Gotta favorite area of town? Mebbe mems from a long time ago? Mebbe just a place u think is gorgeous? Go.. Park.. Git ur butt out, walk around for thirty minutes.. No hurry, just take it all in…

Put in your favorite CD, cassette, tape, whatever… and crank it… dance a bit, if ya wanna…

Grab pen and paper.. Pencil might be even better.. Jot down three places you’ve been to that you tremendously enjoyed… then write down one place you’ve always wanted to go to but just haven’t done it yet.. figure out how much it’d take to pull it off.. figure out how much you can set aside per day/week/month.. and plan it.. Grabba coffee can, stick it in the closet, promise yourself you won’t ‘steal’ from it.. and stash away… then when that day comes… go… do…

If you are “mated”.. Plan some smooch time… Let this smooch time be completely selfish in his/her favor.. This is for “them”… it’s all about “them” (which so much includes you too).. spoil them.. knock their socks off.. show your passion for them…

If you (like me) ain’t mated, thinka how GD awesome that’d be – then if ‘n when the day ever comes – it’ll be twice as rewarding..

Whatever age you are.. think of someone who by now is in their 70’s or 80’s that means/meant a whole lot to you at one time… Find them.. by phone, by mail.. share that with them.. Their feel good will be your goosebumps..

Try to say hello to two complete strangers every day… There’s power in numbers, hell, who knows, you could add a friend..

Have a hard time with that “L” word? Today, start with the person that is presently nearest and dearest to your heart.. and use the L word.. then tomorrow, the next person, and the next day, the next… How good does it feel to hear someone tell you they love you? It’s awesome! Conversely as well..

Look in the mirror.. Smile.. Get to like that person.. Tell that person “hey, I know you’re human.. and I know that maybe this mirror looked a tad better in 19__.. but you’re still a valuable human.. many love you.. please show me that smile.. no matter the relationship (lack thereof), no matter the added pounds.. no matter the developing crevices.. I like you.”!

If you have a down moment.. remember… think of the 12 year old the mom dropped off at the hospital in Nebraska (“couldn’t take care of him any longer”)… thinka the 13 yr old boy in the KC paper Sunday, and that they were ‘advertising’ for a good home for him.. thinka the young men/women waking up today in Iraq/Afghanistan and the assured fear inside them.. thinka all the ones in bed today that will stay in bed because their bodies no longer allow them to gallivant…

Life is like a Christmas tree. Much better decorated! Loveya, Victurd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one's perfect and since I've learned I'm not perfect; I'm going to shot for FANTASTIC!

Thank you for the reflections. I've several of these this past weekend and am striving to do more each day.

Love yourself. YA! Go for it. If the law of attraction works, I'll be loving someone so special I'd refuse to share them with the world. When? In God's time, not mine.

Have a good day, Victurd.