Thursday, July 31, 2008

S’more drifters……

HUH? The hell’s he talkin’ about? Well, unfortunately, like when ya fax more than one page, the last one ends up on top. So read below goo goo butt.

Hehe. I did some contsternatin about drifters, and I noticed I lefta lotta drifters out. Si, there are work drifters – many. People retire, people get another job, people are led to the front door. Companies fold, cutback, are bought out, el al.

Ex-laws. As in formerly kinda-sorta related to. The end mighta come whilst she was wearing her favorite silkened-mesh bikini panties on girl’s night out – but, there are bonds formed that can never be broken. I love those drifters. Nope, will never be the same, but ya can’t wipe it off the blackboard of life.

Her friends, as in mebbe ur ex’s friends. Boyfriend’s friends, girlfriend’s friends. People who at one time were front-and-center. Situations changed that – but it’s a part of who you/we are, who we’ve become. We’re like a brick building – built from scratch with drifters, good times, hard times, sweat, hard work, relaxation, fun, the seasons – everything. Drifters are to our lives what mortar is to the brick building.

Neighbors. Some we don’t wanna see again – many we miss. Neighbors when you were a kid. Ya see a neighbor kid from long ago nowadays and ya wonder if they delighted as much as you did to that day. Tide changed, not the same, yet etched forever.

School drifters. There’s something weird about this group. Why you can’t remember the name of someone you worked with for seven years ten years ago – yet, you went to high school with her/him and you will FOREVER remember their name, face, demeanor. Because school is special, was special, least from these size tens..

Organizations, mebbe even church. I consider athletics and organization. Oh my have there been a plethora of drifters in my life there. Loved every one of ‘em. A story attached to each

Victor, are you gonna talk to yourself again here? Uh huh, mebbe. From this day forward – if I see a nervous, stomach churning new hire heading to find their cubicle – I will delight in the idea “aha, a new drifter, hopeful good times ahead!”.. Anudder softball teammate – yeah! Let’s have one and get to know one another.

A new neighbor, I might stand back cautiously for awhile – then, let’s figure out together whereinthehell we’ve been in life – and where we’re going – we might each be enriched.

A new mate. I will very definitely be ‘quiet’ around her friends/family for the short-term. (The watch out!).. Nice to meet you. (I love the fact I’ve been allowed to enter this drifter arrangement.)

Life’s drifts, gotta love ‘em. It’s the brick building we’ve become today. It’s the next story atop we’re building for tomorrow. At times, we even get to revisit certain floors. As time passes it might be a little harder to remember specifics about our past drifters – but it’s for certain they’re always there in one’s brain to cherish, or forget if that’s your desire.

Drift on. Until the day I pee my pants and forget my name, and the names of any drifters, love Victurd.

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