Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The long and winding road

That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I’ve seen that road before
It always leads me here
Lead me to you door

Driving home tonight… Was an old dude on Sport’s Talk Radio, talking about Greg Norman’s recent showing at the British Open. You know Greg, the Shark clothing, The Aussie dude, married to Chrissy Evert. Yeah, him. Anyways - back in the day, Norman - while an incredible golfer, fairly regularly lead Major tournaments until the very end - only to somehow stumble on the way home.

He, at fitty-three, led the British Open (A tourney for ALL professional golfers, any age) with only 9 holes remaining. Greg stumbled. The old geezer on sport’s talk said “I don’t know why he’d even wanna put himself in that position.. You know.. To possibly fail again.

The wild and windy night
That the rain washed away
Has left a pool of tears
Crying for the day
Why leave me standing here
Let me know the way

I disagree with the old dude. That, to me, is kinda defeatist. Sure, it depends on the person, the situation, but I believe in getting back up and giving her hell. Be it in trying a relationship again, maybe knocked on your ass in a sporting event, being told “no” for promotions, jobs…

Fuck “you can’t.” Screw “you shouldn’t”.. ESPECIALLY when either is said TO you, BY you.

Many times I’ve been alone
And many times I’ve cried
Any way you’ll never know
The many ways I’ve tried

Long ago, it was “Tarkio.” I coached the women’s basketball team at a local, liberal arts college. Our nemesis was Tarkio College. They boasted teams filled with Iowa girls, raised tall, as if to be able to look out over the tall cornfields. And play they did in Iowa. Twice a year, Tarkio trounced our ass. Do we say “Nah, sorry, we don’t wanna play you this year” or do we suck it up and give it hell - even if we maybe (again) face failure?

This one had a good ending. My final year of coaching was the most talented team we’d ever had. Not “Tarkio talented” but still, very good. We prepared, prepared prepared. We knew their plays, instincts, every move before we ever set foot on the court. A groupa kids who’d experience failure time and time again - had the wherewithal to not give up - but to try again. We won on a last second shot - and it was truly one of the most incredible moments in my life - probably many of theirs too.

But still they lead me back
To the long winding road
You left me standing here
A long long time ago
Dont leave me waiting here
Lead me to your door.

This song was supposedly written in Scotland by Paul McCartney - in effort to ease tension amongst The Beatles. It ain’t about a woman.. It’s about overcoming adversity. It’s about “Get up and go” again. It’s about all the GD women and men who sit alone on weekends because they lost (thru divorce) what they once had - and they’re afraid to fail again.

It IS a long road here. It IS winding. Life wouldn’t be life if there were no potholes. The trip down the slope wouldn’t be quite as fun if we didn’t traverse the upgrade. Gravel teaches us to slow down, tread with caution, yet continue to MOVE, toward the destination - not pull over and give up hope.

But still they lead me back
To the long winding road
You left me standing here
A long long time ago
Don’t leave me waiting here
Lead me to your door
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..

Yea, yeah, yeah…. So (remember, I talks to me, hitchhike if you like) jump back in there. Get up and go. Challenge yourself. Even in defeat, there is victory. If you don’t try, you lose. And (again, to me) that makes you a loser.

I understand stuff (but will never be able to see from your shoes) like being widowed, perhaps never wanting to drive because of a bad accident. But I don’t comprehend “My marriage didn’t make it.. I don’t think I can put my heart out there like that again.” Bullshit. “I’ve had twelve straight interviews for jobs I REALLY wanted. I give up.” Bullshit.

Every “no” puts you that much closer to “yes.”

Eons ago, WE were the team to beat in the local Sunday night softball league. Years, added weight, gravitational pull on our bods, and occasionally “I can’t play this week, I’ve got my grandkids” has turned us into “So”.. (which is a step down from “So-So”)… We played the modern Kick-Ass version Sunday. Yes, they (once again) scorched our ass’s. But, it didn’t stop the dream, the hope, the visualization. Never give up, never let go of a dream. Never be too scared to fail (again). ALL success comes through failure.

The long and winding road…

Dont leave me waiting here
Lead me to your door
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..

Loveya, Victurd.

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