Friday, April 21, 2006

Oral sex................... SSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

No, not that.... And I ain't talking about studying that guy in Tulsa that has the University. That would be Oral's sex... I'm simply using the word oral here for orate. Well, actually it's written, but the headline "Written Sex" would cause you to turn to another blog - and I need all the frickin' quarters (long story) I can get if I wanna meet my goal and retire before I'm Francis's age (The WalMart "Hi" lady).

For grins, I searched sexual studies.. I thought about Google, but something about Google and sex didn't sound right... So I went to Yahoo. I thought YAHOO might only talk about orgasms, but - I found some stuff. Most I kinda already knew - some however, interesting.

I came upon two religious sites - of course they were the tamest... One was this chicky who was a newlywed - and she bemoaned the fact she and hubby weren't having the typical newlywed sex over the sink, on the patio, in the car, etc, etc. Turned out - not all are the same - and bottomline was "that's Ok... but talking about it helps." <-- See? Oral sex.

To all of you single creatures whom are admired by those in a relationship - haha. Studies indicate those in relationships have sex 74% more than their single friends (33%)...

Pfizer did a study that indicated folks were having sex well into their 70's. Duh. I mean hell, Pfizer has made millions and millions on Viagra... what did one think their study would show? "Nope, ya might as well cut that bastard off once the Social Security checks arrive." Be for real.

Eight-three percent of Italian chicks would rather have a romp in the hay than cuddle. You American chickies were 63% romp, 37% cuddle. We in America, generally doink after 5.5 dates. Hmmm. Does that mean halfway through the sixth date? Sweden was the swiftest at four dates.. Penis length, on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being most important) held an importance of 6.2 for American women... the Italian women again - were atop @ 6.3%...

Twenty-six % of Americans have jumped in the sack for a threesome - whilst 43% of you chickies have had a Lesbian jaunt. Hmmm..

How many men have you chicks slept with? Brazilians led the way with 10 or more, Americans next at nine - and Indonesian chicks picking up the rear at two. Coincidentally, the top Brazilian pickup line is "You're delicious" and for us mundane Americans would you believe it's still "Don't I know you from somewhere?".. The number one all around pickup line is "You have beautiful eyes."

Eight percent of American have sex daily (holy shit)... Twelve percent have had sex at work..(Good Lord there's a few here I really think I'd turn my head the other way!... Victor you preverted bastard, there's a few you'd glare at closely too.. Ok, mebbe you're right again Mr. Talkback.)...

Bob. Aha. Studies found American chicks lead the way with 46% of em owning Bob. Brits close behind at 45%. And we men are the pigs with the great libido?

Americans, on average, lose their virginity at age 16. Indonesia again - the mild ones, age 21. One study indicated if parents DON'T talk about sex freely, their kids tend to be the most sexually active. (Our rule as a kid was "finish everything you start...except sex"... hehe)...

So... that's sex in the city.. or the country... or a quick study.. (Didn't read anything about quickies.)... I guess, standing from afar, it'd be best to live in Italy - walk up to a Swedish girl and tell her she has beautiful eyes - and marry the Indonesian. Happy day. Your's orally, Victor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I know why I like being part Italian! Love the way your "mouth" works, Victor :)