Saturday, March 01, 2008

Harbingers of Spring….

I worked for United Airlines… They’d established a “min-hub” here in Kansas City - to spell some relief for both the Chicago and Denver airports… It was the beginning of the deregulation era - when Uncle Sam stopped saying “your airline will fly from here to there, nope, you others can’t… and your airline must fly from this airport to that airport.”.. Airlines were free to do what they wanted, fly wherever, whenever they wanted to…

The increase in flights in Kansas City, meant the decrease in flights from several northern cities (Minneapolis, Detroit, Des Moines, etc..)…

So…. Former residents of those cities - moved to KC, and worked with us… One by one they said “yep… we’re moving South… sold my snowblower.”

It was the worst winter on record I ever remember in Kansas City. Three of ‘em damn near died shoveling their walks… Dumbasses!

That’s where we find ourselves today… In the “can’t wait” mode - but we haveta..

This time before Spring is like seeing the presents under the tree - but ya gotta wait… It’s like the seventh date in a month with the one who sends shivers down your back as you watch her walk… Ya gotta wait..

It’s like (close your ears) being in the throes - awaiting that “OMG” ß Spring has sprung.

Yesterday, two chickies at work actually sat at the concrete table outside in our “smoking area.” Harbinger.

Yesterday, the Blue Jay came back. There’s a bush, also in the same area - and annually, the same (I swear) Blue Jay comes back to build a nest… It’s “summer home.”.. She’s back. Harbinger.

Shortsleeves are breaking out. Lighter jackets…

The horrific flu season (oh shit, this specific shot won’t help you against that specific strain) has lingered and lingered. Co-workers caught it from coworkers. Brothers from sisters, moms from dads. Crud. Lingering. It’s like the biggest present under the tree - and it bears your name - but you must wait. Suffer. Anticipate. Dream of that moment, that time when “all will be right.”

If only the GD Farmer’s Almanac and our local entourage of forecasters would have known… I would have taken all my money outta my 401K (don’t be impressed, it’s mebbe enough to buy a double-wide… used.) and purchased stock in that blue crap for windshields… cap, glove and scarf makers.

We’ve had one helluva winter in the Midwest…No, no “12-inch deluges where you knock on the neighbors door ‘cause you can’t get outta the driveway to get to the Piggly Wiggly and you wanna see if they’ll ‘loan’ you 3 lbs of ground beef from their freezer.”…

We had a plethora of pain-in-the-ass 1, 2, and 3 inch snows. The cams placed to monitor traffic around our city have been popular. Body shops are backed up. Tire stores are reaping the benefits from the GD potholes this nasty winter has produced.

Spring is coming. One day I will open that present. Perhaps on our 12th date - she’ll undress. I see eggs in the BlueJay’s nest. We’ll hear lawnmowers. Robins will be plentiful.. The round concrete table will be filled. We will have our Spring orgasm. We will be able to breath again. The coughing will subside. In celebration, we’ll wear less, and it’ll be that much better.

Garage Sale signs will pop up.. Kids will take to the little league ball fields.. Flower racks will be filled at Lowes and Home Depot… We can work off some winter flab in the garden, walking around the lake, simply being more active.

I reckon there are some areas/times in our life when a partner ain’t necessary for certain types of orgasms… Simply seeing the thermometer hit 65 prompts a “yes!!! Yes!!! YESSS!!!!”…

Birds flying North. Ballfield lights in the distance. March Madness dwaining.

I, for one, dream of that package. That 12th date. That BlueJay being born. That day I don’t grab a coat enroute to work.

Winter ‘flu’ by, so to speak…. Let Spring spring.. Seeya, and loveya… local hardware dealer’s got snow blowers on sale. Brb. Going to fetch one just in case the 08-09 winter is a mo-fo too.

Life… anticipation.. Awaiting.. “We must”.. with finally exaltation, it be good.

Love, Victurd.

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