Monday, February 05, 2007

Under the influence......

Dominique, nique, nique s'en allait tout simplementRoutier pauvre et chantantEn tous chemins, en tous lieuxIl ne parle que du bon DieuIl ne parle que du bon Die...

No, that had absolutely no significance - I just kinda felt like saying it (actually SINGING it - but there's a hitch in my vocal getalong - Kendra should be so lucky)...

Maybe it is significant. The Singing Nun was influenced by God... and music... We're all influenced by something... ain't we?

Blessed are the balanced - who juggle all of life's influencers gingerly.

Sad are the addicts who are virtually always under the influence of something - other than themselves.

Why within our building (oh, disclaimer here... this whole blog started long ago after I'd seena chicky on Good Morning America who'd had GMA following her blog for awhile... it'sa good read - and I know this place sucks occasionally... it's Anyways - she explains her blog as "I started this website in February 2001. A year later I was fired from my job for this website because I had written stories that included people in my workplace. My advice to you is BE YE NOT SO STUPID. Never write about work on the internet unless your boss knows and sanctions the fact that YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT WORK ON THE INTERNET. If you are the boss, however, please don’t be a bitch and talk with your hands.") - more to within our building in a sec...

Back to the lady. Now, some five years later, not only is she a fulltime stay at home mom - but the ads from her blog have allowed her hubby to quit his job and stay at home too! Whilst wonderful, it too is under the influence - and whilst her writing is so free and wonderful - I know there have to be times where she thinks to herself "this blog sucks... I'm gonna have to go back to the real world... I can't take the pressure here."

Ok, back to where I work... or where you work... or who you work with..... Major influencers: Money. To some it is the only thing. Sure it's nice - and maybe I should spend more time on my son's inheritance versus the sport's page, but it ain't me babe.

Religion. Fine and dandy. Many are under this influence....

The "ain't it awful" influence... You know em... if you've got a spare moment and they comea walkin' your way... it can makeya cringe inside as you just know you're gonna hear about how so-and-so (insert smart-alec imitation here) and such-n-such (adjust voice tone, include facial expressions)... there just ain't no way they can be happy. Or... maybe there is. By shedding their misery off on others, maybe that's the influence in life they need.

The good humor bar. Outwardly, there ain't a thing that can phase these fuckers. Put 'em down, they'll double your entendre... Say something off color, they'll throw a cherry on top... Happy hour? Count me in... Work problems? There's always a solution - and I ain't gonna let this crap get to me. Watch out for this kind. They are usually perilously close to a nervous breakdown, they're financial lives are a mess... and it's guaranteed their fingernails are gnawed. I guess the point here is - if you see someone who you'd loveta put on a pedastol - don't do so - for every tool in the shed has warts of some kind.

Family. This is a cool one. Don't happen much any more - but some are actually influenced by their family. Nice.

Food. Say it ain't so - but you know it is. For some it's all they think about. Pray for them in this battle - for, while it's yes, kinda of their own choosing - can you imagine how greatly they'd like to get outta the battle? It's like any of us - we get stuck in life - and while the answers may be readily apparent to others - the friggin cataracts of life step in and you can't see shit from shinola in digging yourself out.

Mystery. These are interesting people. There's always one or two in the office who no one knows anything in the hell about them. That's the way (uh huh uh huh) they like it (uh huh uh huh.)... More power to 'em. Times I don't want nobody up in my bidness either!

What else did I forget? Hell, we spend half our lives on education - but I'll be the first to admit there ain't anyone where I work who is influenced by further education. Kinda bassackwards eh?

Oh, I know one. Power. Some dig that shit - more even than money. EF Hutton. Or, maybe the guy with the small penis. Maybe the feller who is #2 at home.

Whatever your influence is - I hope it fits for you - and that if you stick with one influencer - you ain't hurtin' yourself or others... God Bless... and....
En tous chemins, en tous lieuxIl ne parle que du bon DieuIl ne parle que du bon Die... Love, Victurd

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