Monday, February 19, 2007

The strength of one.......

Football comes with eleven... Baseball nine... Basketball five.......

In life, there is but one. Even if we are/were partnered - it seems to me to make it through this difficult thing called life - one basically goes it alone. Partners help. Families help. Great friends help. There is no denying, the power of one though.

One can too represent fear... how do I do this alone... I can't compete with so-and-so... I'll never be as good as whatstheirname... I'm not near as attractive/skinny/smart/perfect as him/her.... how do I live without him/her...

Only one person can run the hurdles... Only one person can take long jumps... Only one person can sprint.... Only one person can reach down and listen to their gut....

One person can handle anything. See Martin Luther King. See Mother Theresa... See Theodore Roosevelt.. See Harriet Beecher Stowe... See Winston Churchill.. Many of the above had poor childhoods... Views differed from society... Were frustrated with society... Thus, many were scorned by society...

There are so many examples - and they leave out the modern day man/woman - and shouldn't. Who knows the trevails you or I go through... Who knows how terribly difficult a simple thing like getting out of bed can be for one... Who knows the stuggles behind the smile... behind the quiet...

It's just GD tough making it in today's world.... and the strength to do so must come from within.. not from your circle of friends... not from loved ones... sure, they help - but it takes you/me....

Trite, but the Little Engine That Could should perhaps frequently be recalled, rehashed, re-witnessed...

We've all had major shit tossed our way... I don't care how perfect your life is now... we all have... We've been let down, let go, left, and tossed aside...

God Bless one. Those of us here today are a testament to this... After writing a recent blog about "me being my best friend" - I've thought a lot about that since, and for a short time I thought "Victor, you dumbass, that was selfish as hell." Sorry, it's true. We can't let ourselves down. Sure, we can get pissed at ourself... fret over actions/behaviors.. but we too have to be on our side.. no matter the outcomes of our decisions/actions/behaviors...

I've mentioned I write sometimes to talk to myself - and this case is perhaps no different. However, if you are struggling, if you are wondering just howinthehell you're gonna make it... you will... because of you... I know I am...

I love ya, and I love me... Victurd..

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