Wednesday, December 06, 2017

When it's least expected.......

You're elected - it's your lucky day.................. SMILE

I am addicted to smile. Truly. I discriminate. Not consciously, but I do. Every friend, girlfriend, fav' coworker, fav' teammate, yada, has always had the most infectious smile. Infectious ain't got no negative meaning here. (Victor, ain't that a double negative?) Heck, I dunno, I just mean that smiles spread. They do. You see one, you get one. It's the way of the lucky world.

MUCH makes me smile. First and foremost, another's smile. The list, however, is perty long.

Many goofy memes on FB. Seeing someone trip. I know, goofy humor, but humor is the keyword.

I'll take "Fun stuff" for $100 Alex:

My 15 month old granddaughter and her newly learned "phhfffffbbb" (that's, tongue out, lips together, blowing, you know - kinda pretending to be a fart.)

Farts. Farts are fun, cause smile. Entertaining (I'm weird) for me to hear one in a place like WallyWorld, witness the "farter" and their immediate reaction as to "Did anyone hear that?" - turning this way, that way, sometimes doing a 360. I fart more now that I'm older. I'm good with that. Sometimes, say, in a place like Wallyworld, I'll be walking and as if on command, every step produces a phhffffbb - rhythmic even. Nonetheless, a machine gun of smiles.

Animals. Animals, my take, smile because they are born "retired". Sure, there are examples that ain't, but the vast majority are 'retired' at birth. No gotta work? AWESOME! I'm gonna chase my tail, that damn redlight pointer thing you got, you, your kid, your kid's kids, anything that moves. I'm gonna wag my tail, my version of a smile - because life rocks, it's fun. Just imagine never having to spend a day at work (or the gol durn commute heretofore), pay for rent/electricity/gas/tax/groceries/yada... I'D SMILE TOO IF I WERE AN ANIMAL!

Where were we.. oh yeah, we're up to $800 Alex, thanks.

TV. TV makes me laugh. Like people, I hold the dadgum remote. They no makey me smile, I git ridda them (ie, turn channel, or don't befriend.) "Turn channel" in and of itself makes me smile, for, whippersnappers have never figured out "whatinthehell are you talking about "TURNING THE CHANNEL?" You just push a dad gum button, you don't turn nuttin'! (Enter smile here).

Favorites. This is a very wide ranged category. Smile not only equals fun, it can equal love too. I am not sure if there is anything better than to smile at your mate - or have your mate smile at you, and getting it returned - or you returning it to them. It speaks to "I'm where I wanna be, thank you, and I really enjoy your company." Yep, one three second smile says all that. That's what make smiles unique.

Included in "favorites" that make one smile - of course friends/family.. then there's Tim Conway, Steve Martin, Carol Burnett, Letterman, Leno, Kimmel, Frasier, Sheen, Ellen - the list, thankfully, is long. Yours?

A friend recently said "I love laughter (ie, smiles) but that doesn't necessarily mean one is happy." Agreed, and sad to think of. I kinda relate it (Smiling, but not necessarily happy) to going to the batting cages - or - taking a practice swing with your golf club. Even if your smile is a 'pretend', or, a 'coverup' - 'practice' in doing so it puts one that much closer to a true, heartfelt smile. Smiles are yummy, no matter the disposition that lies beneath.

Ok, I'm about outta my own words about smile (I know, that makes you smile).. so, I'd better do s'more plagiarizing"

"Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." Mother Theresa

"Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful." Thich Nhat Hanh <-- say THAT three times real fast, that'll make you smile! It didn't? Ok asshat, try saying "Unique New York" three times REAL fast - and if you can get thru that without smile, then I will kiss your... ahm, your... your beautiful fitty-eight year old aunt. HA.

"Smile, it's the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart." Anthony J. D'Angelo. I hearya brother Anthony - but there was this one Sunday I decided to feast on a Sausage Egg and Cheese biscuit (smile) and the drive thru had 112 cars lined up so I went inside instead. Got my biscuit, back to my car, glanced, and waived at my keys that were in the ignition, ie, locked out, notta nuther key for the car. I figured, locksmith, Sunday, it's gonna cost me half my rent. Ate my biscuit, smiled, called locksmith. In a flash he opened the car. Smile. Uh oh, the bill. "That'll be $40." I smiled, reasonably bigly, but not too big 'cause I didn't wanna let him know "you idiot I woulda paid four times that amount." Sometimes small smiles are good too.

Ok, seriously, I am so thankful for the place of smiles in my life - both on my face and on those of others. Life is hard enough. Smiles are the oars to the canoe. (Victor that was really corny, but I guess whatever floats your boat.) Truly, smiles are infectious - in a good way. I can't wait to see 'em today (oh,and especially tonight <- ha, you won't find that one in your Funk and Wagnel!)...

It's your lucky day........ SMILE!

Love, Victurd.

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