Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Now what?

The reindeer are back in the barn - fed and watered by the helpers... The sleigh is in the garage - awaiting it's annual overhaul... Mrs. Claus has the red suit in the Biz bag, and will soon attempt to clean, remove all the creosote, dirt, milk stains, and whatever else might get on Big Red's suit, as he flies for miles behind the rear ends of all those reindeer. Santa has taken four Lactaid tablets before jumping into bed - will snooze into late morning - then, prepare for his 2pm Massage Envy appointment.

The World has exhaled. Amazon delivery drivers have thrown up the white flag. Trash men are frightened, but yet to be determined if they are more or less frightened than the reps manning WallyWorld's Customer Service Returns desk. Old man Winter has made the ground hard for us in the upper half of the US.

NOW WHAT? Well, we could make our New Year's Resolutions... Ahm, Victor, you do that almost every year... you go from Fat to kinda Fat in the months that begin with JFM, then, you once again expand in AMJJASOND, perhaps the correlation for the symbol for Libra: a scale.

OK OK... I see.. hear.. and agree. Now what though? Victor, you always need help, as in self help. Why don't you Google "How should I/we live our lives?"

OK, brb.

OK, let's see... no.. wait.. Alexa? Who is Quora?.. "Quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, answered, edited and organized by its community of users." Thanks.........

Quora says:

"Don't live for others: Don't choose your path in the life based on the expectations of anyone whether it is your parents, friends or relatives." I kinda like that one Quora. You know, us old fart hippy wanna-be's, we tend to rebel a tad. Yes Victor, we're aware...

"Don't live with jealousy." Hmmm... that one rings a bell.. ha... too old for jealousy anyways, what's next?

"Be happy"... Ok, reckon that is/can be a choice.

"Don't be the crab in the bucket." Whaddaya mean by that? It's an expression. It's a tendency crabs have for pulling other crabs back down right when they're about to climb out. When you break from norm, you'll get pushback from your loved ones. Good intent, it can be harmful, create a culture of conformity, mediocrity, and quiet desperation. You mean kinda like that picture I used to have on the wall at the place I usedta work at, you know, the dog with his happy face on, tongue out, running thru the gate, entitled "Live life as if they left the gate open?" Yes Victor, like that, you old crab.

"Be proactive." OK, I'll start tomorrow. jk.

"Stop complaining." I HAVE WAITED DECADES AND DECADES AND DECADES AND DECADES AND DECADES AND DECADES AND DEC (ahm, I think that's 6 and 1/2) for this Old Age, where complaining is an entitlement. You mean I don't getta? Won't getta? Victor, don't you remember the view from your younger shoes when you used to witness that? OK, right maybe you are.. I'll gripe about politics, traffic, rising costs, damn whippersnappers, the weather, bursitis, yada, whilst I shower.

"Set your goals." OK, I will.. tomorrow.. JUST KIDDING!

"Build genuine relationships." Ok, that I will try. I've fortunately been welcomed at "The Bubba Table" this past year - all good men - and quite honestly, there are a couple I'd really like to emulate in that department. We all have a good friend who IS a good friend, maybe we can 'ape' those traits.

"Block out haters and accept constructive criticism." Can I be serious for a sec? Victor, I've read your blog for quite some time.. why would you start being serious now? Har, har, very funny. It's just that I might struggle with blocking out haters.. and, struggle too with accepting constructive criticism. Victor, haters show us our weakness, you'll likely recognize a constructive criticisms when you feel the sting of cognitive dissonance - you want to dismiss the thought because it comes from someone critical of you, but you can't help but shake that pit in your stomach. Instead of burying that feeling, accept that you might be in the wrong, and work to improve yourself so you don't make the same mistake in the future......... Hmmm, ok, I'll TRY.

"Review your life"... oh man, a lotta pretty women, great times with my softball buddies.. VICTOR, I meant from now on, say in 3-6 months from now, see how you're doing. Oh, ok.

"Keep learning." This one I do try, thanks.

"Try new things." Hmm.. I have my comfort zones, but I'll try.

"The only person you can change is yourself." Fer sure, and I once heard "The only time you can change a man is when he's a baby, ha!"

"Express gratitude." Honest, I've been working on this one. It's been a recent goal, to where in past times I would not say anything, now I try to "catch someone doing good", wing a genuine compliment, and try my darndest - when I see happy, to let someone know "I like you being happy." Somehow, it then kinda makes me happy. Yes, Victor, you're a slow learner, but I see you can learn. WAS THAT CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM? Oh, nevermind.

"Love yourself." Thanks, that's one we all sometimes need help with.

THANKS for all of those! So does this mean I ain't gotta go to the gym to try to get ridda fat? Victor, with all of the above, and, in relation to your question about 'the fat', take things one day at a time. Revisit this. Yes, move, get out, get going - combined with healthier eating habits... being serious, you've lost some friends, loved ones this past year.. take better care of yourself now.

Hey, thanks - I appreciate your concern.

Six days until 2018,
Fitty-nine days until Spring Training..
One-fitty-seven days until Summer...
364 shopping days.........

The Good Lord willing, we've got a chance at all of the above,
Love, Victurd

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