Sunday, December 10, 2017

I have a dream....

No, this one isn't referring to MLK - but please know, I love his dream... may we press on for peace and happiness emulating his lead - and hopefully all of us will eventually end up like the final verse of a good book - "and they lived happily ever after." As often happens, I reread, edit, rethink before I ever 'punch the button.' Scratch "they". It gets in our way. It's prejudiced. Please change the thought to "and WE lived happily ever after."

Succumbing to weariness - I retired early last night - thus, the peepers opened at an ungodly hour, nonetheless, coffee was made, drank.

There was a movie about a Prince (Denmark) who'd come anonymously to the US (Wisconsin) to study. He met, fell in love. I (happily) cried like crazy at their bliss before I ever knew he was a Prince.

One day he/she were studying in the college library - both having a difficult time at that - finger touching, eye ogling, hand holding. In a flash, they sprinted to the third floor - picked a desolate, deserted aisle.. began smooching. Finals, yes, they're important - but in a way, this hinted at final.

Paparazzi crashed the party - his secret was out - she was allover the tabloids - confession happened.

His father fell ill...summoned immediately home.. left before proper goodbyes were possible - but a note professed his never ending love for her. She had dreamed of a medical degree, traveling the world to impoverished places to lend a hand. Yet, 'final' got in her way.

Off she soon followed to Denmark - a beautiful lady - daughter of Wisconsin dairy farmers - yet, to a few of the stately, an ugly duckling. She tried. Breakfasts were brought into her room. Beautiful gowns woven for her.. jewels bestowed upon her. After observation of their devotion, her character, she ultimately won over stately ("I'm not much on change, but I now feel you would so be change for the better.")

She tried. And tried. She then saw a globe and remembered her dreams. She, the soon perhaps to be Queen, related to the soon to be King "I can't do it.... I still have my dreams..." Of course he was very sad - but he let his butterfly fly. Home. She graduated weeks later....

At the ceremony - after hugging her mom, she turned and heard her man, Denmark's man, dressed in a regular ole regular suit - saying wonderfully loving things. They embraced, not so desolately.

"Denmark is not ready for a queen like me." "You go, do, I will wait, and Denmark will be ready for you."

I'm a wuss, wimp, putz. Two-thirty AM and I'm balling like a baby. Make fun if you wish - I love feel, final.

If you have this 'final' in your life - first, walk to the mirror (on second thought, RUN), smile, and hopefully realize how lucky you are. Then, go find her/him and profess your luckiness. You can't paint it, wish it, expedite it, snap your fingers to make it appear, it, have it. It just has to happen.

I cherish my lifelong friends, families living in their 'finality.' I do see ends (divorce) happen occasionally - and it really saddens me - but, those kind of ends mean it wasn't meant to happen. Been there, mutual 'responsibility', done that.

Only Marty and Doc can predict the future. If you await the arrival of your Queen (or King) - don't give up.

I know I won't. I'm aware some will read this and think to themselves "Victor? Really?".. Yes, really, and I'm way past worrying (too awfully much) about other's thoughts, opines. I have a dream - and we lived happily ever after.

Love, Victurd

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