Monday, December 18, 2017

Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do.....

Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do actually has nothing to do with this blog. It simply ran thru my head and I typed it. You too can start a blog, make the title anything ya wanna.

Local news guy stated this morning "Now here's an interesting story."

Me no likey that. Whilst I halve paid attention in English class, I think "interesting" is an adjective.

Learn "An adjective is a kind of word that modifies a noun.... a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it... adjectives are something that describes something and makes the thing sound better."

Manfred Mann sang Do Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy Do in 1964, which, if you remember that - means you too are old so you might remember "Ed Sullivan" saying "Tonight we have a REALLY BIG show." (Actually sounded kinda like "really big shoe" when he said it.) Ed, please, just get on with the show, intersperse with "Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner" and "That's what you get in Cracker Jack" commercials, but we'll decide if the show is "REALLY BIG" or not. Victor, are you not aware Elvis AND The Beatles were on Ed's show? Uh huh, sometimes he did have a really big show. (If Wilt Chamberlin was ever on there, he did in fact have a really big shoe.)

She/he might say "I've got a funny story." If someone I don't know says that, I remain silent. If I know them well, I'll chime in "you tell it, we'll decide if it's funny or not."

Sometimes adjectives come before the noun, sometimes they come after. You might say "your baby is adorable," or, "what an adorable baby!" I know too, sometimes babies just ain't very attractive... whilst your brain might think to yourself "Good gosh that is the ugliest (<- adjective) baby I've ever seen" it's better to concede to "adorable" or proud daddy might give you a massive (<- adjective) shiner.

I actually, get lost with the 8 parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection) so I should keep my trap shut. If you care to adorn that with an adjective, "Victor, you should keep your BIG trap shut." I completely understand, if I post, I'm subject to scrutiny. Yesterday I posted something, it was pointed out I should Wiki what I'd posted, I did, and I apologize if I offended anyone - wasn't my intent at all.

Trust me, I'm not giving an English lesson here because I was a PE major who literally BARELY graduated (Best six years of my life, Hi Rickety Siga Manu!). My mother was the bomb with English. I know I know bomb might be a verb, but in the case of my mom, I meant it as an adjective. I've got a cousin who might read this - she's a retired English teacher... A buddy of mine writes a column for the Kansas City Star - so whotheheck am I to give a lesson on English?

I ain't, but that don't mean I can't blog, express my opine.

It's weird (I think) all the things "Blogger" keeps track of. For example, since I started this stupid (adjective, self deprecating, that type is ok, ha) blog, 200 people from Romania have read it. 1,423 from the Ukraine, 2,701 from France, and 2,973 from Russia (uh oh.)

For example, I expose myself to disagreement (if I were to say "Here's my funny (<- adjective) blog" with someone in the Ukraine. They might write something like "Віктор, ідіот, я прийшов перевіряти двигун світло намагатися фіксувати мої чорт автомобіля" which of course translates to "Victor, you idiot, I came to check engine light to try to fix my damn car!"

55 have browsed this from Bing Preview, 660 from Mobile Safari, 9,635 from Chrome, 10,521 via Firefox (I downloaded that crap, can't get it to work), and most (22,218) using Internet Explorer. They (Blogger) even track Operating System views (39 via LG <-- that's what I got, no likey), 879 from iPad, 3,419 from Linux (What's that?) and 37,014 from Windows.

So, someone from Russia, via BingPreview, using Linux (what's that?) might write "Виктор, Вы идиот, я пришел на Свет двигателя проверки, чтобы попытаться исправить мои чертовски машину" and tells me that means "Victor, your breath stinks, do you think you are somebody because of all those views? Remember, we have a direct line to the White House."

So, wet concrete. I think wet is an adjective. Be careful what you say. (Victor, are you talking to me, or to you?... "Both")..

"Say what you mean, but don't say it mean." Andrea Wachter, marriage counselor, HA..

"Wise men speak because they have something to say. Fools speak because they have to say something." Plato. HEY PLATO, I resemble that remark! But (Victor, this is Plato and I established the first institution of higher learning in the Western World around 390 BC, and you can't start a sentence with but.) BUT, I bet you woulda blogged back then if you coulda!

"You're going to go through tough times - that's life. But I say 'Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.' See the positive in negative events." Joel Osteen.... Hey Joel, honest I try to be positive here. Speakinowhich, waters have been rough of late, I see you're coming to the Sprint Center in Kansas City. Upper deck tickets are $87, can you catch me a break?

If Ernie Harwell was in a Marriott in Poland (yes, even 583 view from there) he might say "Nadchodzi czas, aby się pożegnać, ale myślę goodbyes smutni i chciałbym raczej odjeść przywitaj się. Witaj w nowej przygodzie" ahm, and that's "It's time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I'd much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure."

"You say yes, I say no,
You say stop and I say go go go, oh no,
You say goodbye and I say hello,
Hello hello,
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello,
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodby, I say hello." Lennon-McCartney

I need to get outta here somehow. All those damn numbers, those prolific English folks, the different languages, operating systems, browsers - it all makes me nervous.

"Listen more, talk (blog) less. What a dumb (adjective) blog." Burma Shave.

Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do.....

Love, Victurd

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