Saturday, December 30, 2017

Put another nickel in....

In the nickelodeon
All I want is having you
And music, music, music

Written in 1949 by Stephen Weiss and Bernie Baum, sung by Teresa Brewer.

A month, six months, two years from now - no one will remember -
but it's a December to put another log on. The three day forecast here lists a high of 10
and a low of minus 9. Shiver me timbers.

Ya get those memories that pop up on Facebook... a year ago.. three years ago... further...
Oft times I'm anxious to re-share - then I see a comment or a like from someone that is no longer here. Chilling. Stops me. Shouldn't.

Writers Weiss, Baum, singer Brewer - long gone.

The music can't stop.

As much dread, tragedy, illness, death has happened this year - we've got to keep putting nickels in.

I've ridden the "like me, don't like me, love me, don't love me" rollercoaster my entire life - so please know this ain't written as "do as I say, look at me." The intent is pats on others backs, not mine.

I'm gonna keep putting nickels in. I'm gonna keep feeding the fire.

Good things can, do happen. Recently, we almost lost another classmate. I have a family member that a few months back was diagnosed with ALS, "ten years max."

Both of the above afforded many, many prayers. Happy to relate, the classmate is back, out of coma, organs kickstarted, bigger, brighter than ever. Relative, not long ago, left me a voicemail. "They misdiagnosed me." She has a form of neuropathy that is TREATABLE, certainly not deathly.

The power of prayers.... and nickels... and logs on the fire.

Yes, pardon my French, shit happens. Ends happen. Life changes in a heartbeat.

We're in the 'tween' of our life.

This honestly didn't start as a New Years Resolution post, but I guess it's going to end up as one.

I resolve to tell those I love, I love you. I plan to pet every wagging tail I see. I plan to listen, really listen, to the grandkid tugging on my sleeve whilst I'm entrenched in a ballgame, movie, book, newspaper, yada.

If I see two people in the grocery store emoting happy, I'm gonna tell 'em "I love seeing happy people."

I planta give every "Bubba" at our old fart "Bubba table" meetings, knuckles, or, a pat on the back, maybe even just a telling nod.

I will try - to find, tell, those I ain't seen in some time - from a happy day/era of yesteryear - a simple "Hey, long time, been thinking of you, how are you?"

See, think, say.

If I see a beautiful child with proud parent, I will try to tell them "what a beautiful child."

If I see a pair all googly eyed at each other, I plan on letting them know how good it is to see that.

Life is good, if I/we let it be.

It's for sure short - that we know.

Trust me, I get in bad moods, down, mad at the world - I blurt, and cuss my own butt more times than you will ever know - but I've got to remember this is the 'tween' time. I am human but I hope to roar.

More knuckles. More pats on the back. More introverts extroverting. More logs on the fire.

More nickels in....
In the nickelodeon
All I want is having you
And music, music, music

Prayers, the power of, to you...

Happy New Year, Victor

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