Tuesday, December 12, 2017

STOP, in the name of love..........

You've done it haven't you? It's dark-thirty...Twas the day before payday, gas gauge was low, not a creature was stirring, you just pulled up to turn onto Interstate, it's an ungodly hour.. there ain't a car within two counties... but the engineer who put the settings on the lights at the intersection didn't account for that... so... you're stuck for 47 seconds awaiting red to turn green... they say, for every second you wait, it seems like three... so, let's see... you take the 3 times 7, carry the 2.. and... ahm.. well, it's a long time.

And you go. Blatantly (I never knew that was spelled with two 'A's), so blatantly, you run it. I probably have, but I don't really remember. When I get in situations like that, I envision my parents (yes, I'm 65), I see them sitting in the living room observing me, my behavior. So I don't, won't. Again, I probably have, but I don't remember.

We've all heard "West Virginia Sheriff pulls over hot shot NYC lawyer. "License and registration please." "What for?".. "You didn't come to a complete stop at the stop sign."... "I slowed down, and no one was coming." A bit more aggravated (I never know that word had two 'A's,) "Yes, but you still didn't come to a complete stop, license and registration please."

The lawyer says, "If you can show me the legal difference between slow down and stop, I'll give you my license and registration and you can give me the ticket. If not, you let me go and don't give me the ticket." The sheriff says, "That sounds fair, please exit your vehicle." The lawyer steps out and the sheriff takes out his nightstick and starts beating the lawyer with it. The sheriff says, "Do you want me to stop or just slow down?"

Stop: Come to an end; cease to happen. A cessation of movement or operation.

November 22nd, 1963, Dallas, TX. Everything stopped. A Country, a World, in shock.

September 11, 2001, Lower Manhattan, NY. Everything stopped. A Country, a World, a way of life.

Life has it's "Energizer Bunnies" - but much happens to bring us to a complete halt.

"I no longer have feelings for you." "I'm sorry, we tried everything we could to save her." "In effort to keep up with bank demands, we're forced to make changes.. please take this box and clean out your desk.. and oh yeah, gimme your door Fob."

"We love you, and congratulate you on your degree. Now that school is over (stopped), what are you going to do, where are you going to go live?" "HUH?"

My favorite Psychology prof once recounted a day in WallyWorld when he found himself wondering the same aisles as a mom with two mischievous snotnoses.. in kid's clothes "STOP IT!"... an aisle over in the hat/glove aisle "STOP IT!"... Back in Notions.. "STOP IT!"... finally in Kitchenware "STOP IT, I AM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU AGAIN!" At that point, my prof buddy chimed in "I bet you do."

Tickling, "STOP!"

Even Ty Cobb, Brett Favre, Cal Ripken Jr, Wayne Gretzky, Lance Armstrong, The Harlem Globetrotters, and yes, even Buttkicker: streaks eventually stops.

Actors, reporters, Congressmen, 45, producers, seducers - STOP!

I wanna quit smoking. I wanna lose 20 pounds. I want help with cleaning, dishes, laundry, the kids - you've got to stop and help me - or else.

Thirty years ago, I knew this lad/his mate who started up a business. Made $60 the first month - he/wife were living off of it by the third month. Company entailed being on call 24/7. A few years later he heard "me or the business, one of them has to stop." Hmmm... I heard somehow one day they both eventually stopped anyways, it was the order that was a tad disconcerting to him.

Teacher: Stop it! Some kids hear this more than others. It's usually the silent ones that go on, have their 401 K's up to snuff by age 52, stop work and live happily ever after in Scottsdale.

To bully: Stop it! "Make me." With no regard for his eyes, eyeglasses, praise be the day Ralphie stood up to Scut Farkus. Bullying stopped.

Stop and smell the roses. Slower is ok, just don't stop moving.


Can we please stop doing push-ups Grundy, we're sorry!

"Even though you're growing up, never stop having fun." Nina Dubrev (Like)...

"We don't stop going to school when we graduate." Carol Burnett

"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous." Ingrid Bergman

"Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining, it bores everybody else, does you no good, and doesn't solve any problems." Zig Ziglar. (Zig's parents got darn near thru the book of names before they stopped, decided.)

Even Forrest Gump eventually stopped.

Can this Chief's defense stop ANYONE?... What Bill Self said...

Many stops, FedEx/UPS dudes, trash men, bus drivers, Jehovah's, toll booth guys, TSA folks, Interstates in DC, LAX, SFO, ATL, ORD, HOU.
Worst ever traffic stopping jam: Bejing-Tibet Expressways in August of 2010, lasted 12 days, trip took as long as three days. So have patience, don't run that damn light in the dark if there ain't no Barney's around.

Happy ending.


"If you want a happy ending, that depends, or course, on where you stop your story." Orson Welles

Stop, do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Don't stop the music.

Stopping here (before you break my heart, think it oh-oh-ver), love, Victurd.

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