Saturday, December 16, 2017

Run, he's a word nerd.

Yes, self-professed I am. I love words, letters - so, reckon this could be connoted as a love letter, ha.

Words are our everything. They can mean something, nothing, huge, tiny, worthless, valuable - sometimes even have two, three plus meanings.

Words provoke thought, profess love, hatrid... cause riot, peace, comfort, uncomfortable.

Words are silent, aloud, can be loud, soft, foreign, nearby, free, costly, damaging, uplifting.

Might we peek at 'secure' for example?.....

SECURE: Free from or not exposed to danger or harm, safe.
Dependable, firm, not liable to fail, yield, become displaced, etc.

Place an "IN" infronta that (INSECURE) and one would think the "word maker-uppers"...would make that to mean, at first glance,: "IN" (a state of being... "I AM (THAT-THERE)"...) "SECURE". As in I am secure, or, 'in-secure.'

Nuh huh. Word maker-uppers say that INSECURE means just the opposite: Not confident or assured, uncertain and anxious.

I, perhaps we, sometimes struggle with 'insecure', insecurity.

Older I get, honestly, I believe the less I struggle with it. Oh sure, who wants to be thought of as unkept, unaware, unknowing, nerdly, different, don't-make-fun-of-me... don't like me? OH NO!

Nuh uh, insteada "OH NO", I lean nowadays more toward "OH WHO CARES?"

I am unique, just like you.

The times, they are'a changin'. Verbatim, a buddy o' mine posted:

"Admit you cry. No need to say weak shit like 'Who's chopping onions?' or 'There's dust in my eyes.' If you find reason to weep once in a while, admit it. There are plenty of reasons these days, whether of anger or sorrow." (And I'll add to that, even happiness. Sorry, kinda, just watched the flash mob "Hallelujah.")

The most interesting reply regarding crying (to me) was "Be found the strongest and most SECURE men just straight up admit it and grab a tissue."

I liked that. It's OK, even secure, to cry. Yes, they say "dare to be different" - but I much prefer "dare to accept yourself, no matter how different."

Sure, hang, go, do with 'similar' if your choice, but, be secure, don't fear to take an occasional (maybe even often) walk in the neighborhood of 'different.' You can, all the while maintain your own difference - securely. I think I've even heard a time or two, opposites attract. (Just ask a magnet, ha.)

We need both oil, water. Dem/Repub. Differing opines, lifestyles doesn't have to lead to separation. Don't change, or wanna change, to fit in, "go with the flow."

Status quo works, and sure, striving for growth, betterment, doesn't mean letting loose of your principles, ideas, thoughts, beliefs. Might enhance 'em even.

The most important person to like you is readily available in any nearby mirror.

The world needs you, me - as we are - for the quilt of secure.

That's all, love, Victurd

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