Saturday, December 27, 2008


No, ain’t talking bowel. Ain’t talking overture…

Talking “alive”…

Fitty-four cent coffee, Mickey D provided local newspaper… Snotnose, mebbe alla 16.. He was going from one sidea the lobby to the other.. He started skipping. Kinda. It was a happy movement… I pictured him as an even littler shit in PE class.

I probly never shoulda stopped teaching Elementary PE.. Co-workers now, love ‘em, but it’s blasé’ there. Friends. AOK, but, we’re too GD (gosh darn) old to really (REALLY) move.

Onea my alltime favorite “whatinthehell shall we do today kids” classes was a little diddy called ‘movement exploration’. Now this is fancy for “run their tails off so they’ll be heap good and quiet in Mrs. Denison’s 2nd grade classroom upon return.”

Ya just line the kids up on one sidea the gym, point to the other.. And tell ‘em… “Ok, now you’re an elephant, go over there (point to the other side)”… Yessir, these are highly technical skills I gathered from’ma college days for helpin’ to ripen these little shits (said with love) brains.

Creative they were. Different they were. Oh sure, a few copiers, apers, but for the most part, VERY imaginative….

“Now you’re a giraffe!”…….

“A snake!”…..

“A snail!”….. (This is a good time killer.. Kinda like the disc jockey that loves playing Ina goda davida)…

Point being, they had a blast. They were moving. Eyes, I’ve noticed, are more excited in movement. Ever notice, we males, well.. We white males… White men can’t jump (Dance)… When’s the last time u been to see live music, and there was a fitty-fitty ratio men/women on the dance floor? The gals, they’ll get up.. Do their thing.. Uh huh, .like the “nobody’s watching” theory.. And they move. And they love it. And I love watching it. Fun. Happy. Spirited.

(Why we men outwardly project “ain’t cool” [for ourselves] is beyond me… Yes, I happen to be onea those that steers clear of the dance floor.. Because I JUST KNOW every GD eyeball in that room will be looking at me thinking I’m stupid. Or that I move stupid. Second thought, I may try to change that approach. Moving stupid should mebbe be a goal. An accomplishment. I abhor the mundane. Again quoting Rainman “I guess making things fun is the only revenge you have against mortality.” Not yes but hells yes.

Kinda like the Phillps 66 lady that is gonna “Boogie til you die.”

I don’t mean going from point A to point B. Not getting the crock pot out from under the counter. No, not climbing the ladder, getting in and outta the car. I mean irregular. Outta the ordinary. A pep in your step. Goal not “center of attention”, goal be heap big happy person.

I see walkers. (Not dead people).. I see walkers and drive by and don’t think a thing of it. Ne’er a second glance. But ya see somea them walkers today who pump their arms kinda tantrically as they walk? Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. Living. Feeling. Moving. Irregular. Wonderful. For that, I’ll go from 40 mph to 25 mph just to see if I can detect ‘fun’ or ‘spirit’ in their eyeballs.. And ya know what? It’s usually there.

I vote, occasionally get off the GPS path of life. Find some how, some way, to simply move with a spirit. Perhaps not suggested in the frozen food aisle at the Piggly Wiggly, but then again, why not.. What better place to get all wiggly!

Just a little jiggle. Going out to smoke break.. Or mebbe down to the lunchroom.. Enter with a little jiggle and see the reaction. Smiles. Betta dolla it’ll be smiles. Why? Cause moving, irregular, represents happy, FEELING life. Living life.

Softball. Yes, at age fitty-five I went back (after 10 year hiatus) to play softball. What the hey, I have very good health insurance. To move was to live. I had'a blast. Hell no I don't move anything like the twerp I once was.. but it was the pointa the matter. Movement rocks. I ain't gonna lay in wait for the reaper.

Here’s hopin’ in the New Year we’ll all have a pep in our step. Even those of us with a little ‘jiggle’ on our bods (Yes, whilst I was the Biggest Loser at work… 21 pounds.. Thanks to our file cabinets at work being filled up the last three weeks with all kindsa fattening stuff from vendors… I halfa that back on ma belly.).. So those of us with a little ‘jiggle’, hell, look at the bright side… One jiggle can actually produce two, or three, or seven!

I do hereby promise to live life in 2009 with irregular movements so it will help ‘happy’ to stick around. Whilst driving, I plan on lowering left shoulder, then right, then left, etc, and moving hips as I go. When standing outside for a smoke prior to 8am.. When a coworker gets outta car, walks to door, I’m gonna overdo a big ole wave.

I’m gonna skip some, like that Mickey D’s snotnose. I wanna boogie til I die. Helps the corners of the mouth to uplift.

I’d better run now. (Or skip).. Feel ‘a movement’ coming on. At my age, that’s front burner chit. 364 shopping days left. I’m the baby, gotta love me. Happy Movement 2009. Love, Victurd.

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