Thursday, December 04, 2008


A manner or rate of movement or progress…

Gotta return email the other day… said something like “Some men can see right through tons of clothes. They zero in on a woman's gait. That's the kind of guy I'm looking for.”

Interesting. Not 100% sure where she was going, but I kinda sorta get the drift. It ain’t the exterior, it’s the walk. “It” is so much more important than the car we drive, the paycheck we deposit, the mortgage check we write out…

Nuther, kinda similar word that’s been standing out of late… stride. “He takes things in stride”.. a comp. Means “not easily bent outta shape.”…

Stride also means accomplishment.

Met up with an ole’ HS cronie tonight. Asked about her kids. Three of ‘em. The very first one she reported about, was the one that had kinda struggled along the way, and the progress (strides) he had made of late. Proud she was. Rightfully so.

My own child has gone thru struggle. Dropped out of HS at a much too young age, realizes error now, but there’s no going back.

What’s insidea alla us? Strides mean different things to different people. It would be a stride for me if my office desk was so very neat… if I’d finally adhered to our company goal of “paperless.” I ain’t made that stride yet. It’s my mess, and I know where every GD thing is.

Stride for the new employee is coming back on day 2. Whew, I made it through #1, not sure I wanna go back, that was rough.

Stride could be the dissertation to get into a Master’s program. Impossible for some, easy for many, a struggle for some. I like the “some” group.

When I meet folks out and about… my age or so… they proudly (and God Bless ‘em, don’t blame ‘em) relate “well, my oldest is a nurse practitioner, and my youngest just graduated and has applied for law school.” Strides. For these kids, nice strides.

For awhile, I worried because I couldn’t match those stories. My own child didn’t follow sucha path. Then I got-at thinking, perhaps my own child, while perhaps in a role not as “societal pleasing” as the above, has perhaps made greater strides.

The inner challenges we face are all different. Various degrees. Like hopscotch for some, like Rubik’s cube with the lights out for others.

Again, that gal told me about the kid who’d had the biggest struggle. Yet, he’d probably made the greatest stride - In spitea not having the paycheck, the title, the auto, the home, of her other two.

No, shouldn’t take anything away from the two that have done wonderfully - moreso to accentuate how the one who had difficulty treading water is now doing the breast stroke.

Shame on me for ever thinking “darn, I wish I could list my own having “this job, that title.”
Shame on me for my own inward thinking “I wish I was this, I wish I was that.”

We are what we are. Sure, money and titles are nice, and God Bless those who have ‘em.

Unassuming. Whenever I think of the quality of people, Jon Baker comes to mind. He probably doesn’t remember me, but I’ll never forget him.

I have no idea what this man did in his career. When I met him, he was pushing 70. He hung around the not for profit where my ex worked. Whenever there was a shit, thankless job needing done, Jon was the first in line to wanna help. Didn’t want recognition. Simply wanted to lend a hand, because he could.

Was kinda nice actually, not knowing what Jon Baker did for a living. Not knowing his background. Not knowing his bankroll. I just remember Jon Baker for the strides he made. The gait with which he volunteered.

Many things in life are rough. There are differences in us all as to “What’s hard”, “what ain’t.” I can sit here and type with ease. For me to getup and dance to fast music in a crowd entails a gallon bucket of sweat, nerves jolting upon nerves, the insidious idea that “Every GD eye in this room is looking at ME”… but I’ll do it. The gal. The guy. They move so rhythmically, but for them it’s easy. It’s a sonofabitch for me. Which is the greater accomplishment?

What’s greater… the two income middle class couple going on a cruise ,or, the minimum wage retiree couple paying their gas bill this December?.. Both are good. Both are strides.

I write this not ever wanting to leer at the ones who do so very well… but I also don’t ever wanna scorn the ones who struggle upon occasion to make strides. Somehow, slap me Lord, seeing strides by strugglers is so very good for my heart.

No clever ending here. Hop over them hurdles, however tall they may be. Jump the brook with glee, even if you neighbor is jumping rivers. Be proud, walk tall. I like your gait.

Love, Victurd.

1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very nice......