Monday, December 08, 2008


Hugs be good.

Hugs talk. They say “I love you”…

“I’m glad we share the same bloodline.”…

“I’ve missed you.” “I value our past and enjoy seeing you again.”

“We tried.” “You tried.” “We won.” “We lost, but I still love you.”

“Nice job.” “You’re the best.” “I’m happy for you.” “You can beat this illness, we’re all behind you.”

Hugs take you back. They are the connector to all the time since you last were in the situation that you lived/loved your life thru together. Be it family, school, childhood, work, sporting team, band, play group, volunteer, whatever it was that brought you together in life – hugs have a way of taking you back… saying… without saying “I cherish and cherished our time.”

Hug from a little kid – what could be better. Innocence. Trust. Giving.

Seeing little kids hugging, teaching us old farts that “to live is to love.” You don’t gotta impress me, you don’t haveta buy me anything, there’s no ulterior motive – I’m hugging you because it makes me feel good, and hopefully it makes you feel good.

The second or third date hug. That’s a good one. So damned evasive, yet when it happens – a very good thing. It means that maybe, just maybe, there’s spark to light that fire.

The “I love you hug.” (Intimately.) These are the best. There’s no time limit. They usually connect from clear down to the knees, to way up to the cheeks, lips.. Equal pressure. Time please stand still, for I could hold this’n forever and ever. Like. Love. Bond. Wow.

Hugs are right up there with smiles. Smiles are good, hugs are ‘physical smiles.”

Hugs are a statement. They say “somehow in life, you’ve meant a lot to me, we’ve meant a lot to each other… please know, by this hug, you’re special to me.” Hella beat a handshake. (Of course, the handshake has it’s proper time/place.)

Hugs are warm. We needs more of ‘em. If we’re introverted, we needs to attack that. If ‘physicality’ bugs us, we needs to overcome that. If there was, at one time, mucky crap that happened between us two – screw that, lets hug and get back on course. Again, hugs talk.

Hugs is good shit. Love (and hugs), Victurd.

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