Saturday, December 27, 2008

God I HOPE Gladys Kravits was watching! I DID IT!


Did WHAT Victor?

I "moved", I REALLY "MOVED!"

The hell are you talking about?

Well, you gotta read the blog just below eggface, then you'll get it....

Son wanted ride to Piggly Wiggly... "K"... Got dressed, I SKIPPED TO THE CAR! (God I hope Gladys Kravits was watching!... If she wasn't, she's probably got a security camera plastered on our yard/house.. so mebbe she'll catch the replay!)...

Then... son broke into onea those hideous self-composed Emenim kinda things.. I reached for the radio... cranked it... bopped my shoulders up and down alternatively.. swiveled them hips as much as one can swivel being captive in a seatbelt..


I turned to "Eminem" and with my imaginary remote, I clicked it OFF-OFF-OFF!

I was movin'!

Try it.. 'tis fun.

(Soon as the return lines dwindle at Wally World, I'm takin' that remote back though.. didn't work)...

Moved, Victurd.

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