Sunday, May 18, 2008

Poopy……… Pleasing… And making the world a better place….

If only. In only I’d place as much importance on pickin’-up-crap as I do on trying to boost folks (mainly me), I perhaps wouldn’t be sucha chocolate mess. My desk at work, my computer desk at home. Both fall victim to “ah, I’ll clean it all up onea these days“, and I eventually do - only to again repeat the mountain building mess - and do it all again, over and over. Trash, I ain’t good with. People, I’m eh, Ok. Driving coworkers to lunch means me going out ten minutes early with a 30 gallon trash bag to clear a swath for them to sit. It’s me. (It’s me it’s Ernest T.) Only you old sumbitches will know that one.

Had an incident the other day. This person walks into my cubicle at 43mph, in a huff, says -with one arm on her waist, the other extending this invoice “VIC, CAN YOU TELL ME EXACTLY WHY YOU PUT THIS ON MY DESK?” as if I had committed a Class A Felony, and I was surely bound for Leavenworth.. Ahm, “Excuse me?” I very much abhor “put your dukes up” kinda people. Well, that behavior anyways. I wish I woulda had the kanumption (dat a word?) to say “Look bitch, we’re civil over here. This is a nice, fun, place to work - and we kinda-sorta enjoy treating people civil, and kinda-sorta expect the same in return. Now please back yourass on outta here, and come back when you’re ready to speak civilly.” Ceptin’ I can’t remember what I said - but, I fell victim to speaking to her just as she did I - and we both pretty much left the place poopy. I have no idea who put that on her desk, and am even more at a loss as to how something as trivial as that can put sucha damper on one’s disposition.

We, me very definitely, need to leave the world a better place - each and every opportunity. I have a friend, and I hope she doesn’t sue me for whatever it is they sue you for when you steal a quote from some written place. Risking perhaps a misdemeanor, she writes “My Daddy taught me as a small child "Always Leave the outdoors, a better place than you found it". He would take us out of school every 2nd friday, to go camping... anywhere, from the mountains in Alaska, to the red clay mountains in Georgia, to the Everglades. The last evening there, we always walked and talked, picking up everyone else's destruction. I've taught my children the same, and I pray they will teach their children as well.”

They walked into “the cubicle of nature”, treated it civilly, and left it a better place. What a cool, cool thing.

I ain’t good at much. (Victor, are you gonna brag here?) No. Just making statements. I usedta teach PE. Elementary and Junior High PE. I’d fortunately learned - not everyone likes/loves PE as I, therefore - I made it a goal to make it fun. Focus on any accomplishment I could, no matter the skill level, or lack thereof. “Catch ‘em doing good” the Principal usedta call it. Assisting in upgrading self-worth. I may have driven home after a long day of professing all this - then had a few cigs and a halfa six-pack, but by God the little critters all loved coming to class - and they had smiles. I honestly think, at least for a short, I left them feeling better about themselves than before they walked in the gym.

I was at Mickey-D’s drinking my fitty-four cent old people’s coffee this morning, reading the Sunday paper, eyes up frequently just to people watch. (Victor, you told us this one last Sunday.) Ahm, please back yourass outta my blog cubicle, and when you’re ready to type civilly to me, then, and only then, may you return.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the Arches. So there was this couple, whatever the age a couple is that has an 18, 19 yr old kid - that coincidentally met up at the food-orderin’ place with friends they hadn’t seen in awhile. I didn’t catch all that was said - but it was obvious, they each liked the other. Come time the overpriced Egg McMuffins were in the sack, drinks in hand, they bid their goodbyes - and onea the whatever age they were ladies said “it was great seeing you guys, and you’re looking sooooo good!”

She left the world a better place. She cleaned up the litter. She hadn’t put her dukes up. She assisted in creating self worth. She brightened the Mickey cubicle. Far out.

Thanks for being here. Gonna back my ass outta this blog cubicle. I see all them empty peanut bags on the desk. I probably should clean them up today, but ya know? When I ain’t gots no toothpicks - the stiffened ends of those bags are decent at getting out sausage biscuit remains from betweengst molars and bicuspids. I’ll get ‘em next Tuesday, yeah, that’ll work One day I’ll leave my desk, cubicle a better place. Right now the challenge is usn’s people.

Here’s a heapin’ helpin’ hopin' we back our ass (Victor, are you gonna preach again?)… ahm, no, remember, I write TO me.. Hitchhikers welcome. Here’s hopin’ we all back ourselves outta the cubicle of life - and leave it a little nicer place than when we found it. Damnit, I’m outta peanuts again. Love, Victurd.

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