Friday, May 02, 2008

Incapacitation over the shoulder… Waste not, want not.

Well… the timing couldn’t be better… After three months of “The Biggest Loser” competition at work – I think I’ve won. 21 pounds, 9.8% loss of body weight. Next closest 11 pounds, 5.4 %. Looking at it positively from some’s shoes “now we only have to put up with 92.2% Vic the prick.” Hehe.

Why doest thou say you “think” you won? Well.. ‘cause another fellow that entered is off getting chemo – and he won’t return until today – for his official weigh in – thus today’s caption.

Nuther friend emailed me about onea her friends (late 20’s) dying tragically in a skydiving accident.

Seen the obits yesterday… bright, young, beautiful faces. Sad.

Drove to work today. Speed limit 40. I’m doing 44. Two chaps/chapettes whizzed by me like I was standin’ still. Hurry. Gotta.

Victor, you harp and harp and harp on this. Go slow. Look around. Enjoy. Appreciate. Choose correctly. Why?

Because life is fleeting, ya just never know. It hurts me tremendously to realize I’ve now lived longer than my 5 yr older sister got to. I can’t relate to my mother having a massive stroke – just three years beyond my now age. I cringe to think of my son’s runnin’ buddy as a child who put a bullet to his own head.

Work troubles are just that. Money woes are just that. Bumper to bumper traffic is just that. The conniving ways of some too.

Yesterday I talked about them really getting on us about making sure we take only one 15 minute break per day – enabling full attention to our work the remainder of the time. Reckon we oughta carry that rule home with us. Only substitute life. Full concentration of life.

One little diddy I love to do is simply stare at someone when it’s unknown to them I am. I try to jump in their shoes – imagine life from their chair, from under their roof, through their emotions – and how they deal with the thick and thin. Somehow, I feel closer to people when I do this.

When I interviewed for that part-time position – I was asked where I wanted to be in two years. I know what he was looking for – but reckon I’m onea those outta left field kinda persons. One, I want to be here still. Two, of course, “her.” Perhaps most importantly, I wanna continue to try to suckup every living ounce outta this bottlea life.

Yes, there are times to be what some call serious. Have to’s. Must stop, do. But I’m serious about the other times too. The fun I receive from friends, loved ones, co-workers goes so so far to help fill my life. Yesterday. Our building caught on fire at work. Actually, it was more like it “caught on smoke” cause they never found the cause – exactly where it was at.

During this two-hour “you gotta get outta here” break – the 50-some of us loitered in the West parking lot. Closed my eyes, thoughta high school. This group here, that group there. The laughs. The fun. I’d wing by this group, that group (and then stand behind the one with the nicest booty, hehe, shoot me, I’m male.) Whadda great people watching time. Individuals from this department (HS: neighborhood, class, race, creed) mingled with individuals from other departments (HS: popularity, looks/lack thereof, differently sized). Was cool.

Ok, sorry this ain’t been fun/funny – but Victor, I hope I hammered the point home to Victor. Go. Have. Watch. Jump in other’s shoes. Drive the speed limit of life. Appreciate. Pictures with the eyes. Even tear up on occasion during an emotional feel good. Love. Learn. Share. Waste not, want not. If we don’t waste what we have, we’ll still have it in the future and will not lack (want) it.

TGIF, perhaps my favorite evening anyways. Might you enjoy all - within all the hours, within all the days that end in Y. Love, Victurd

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