Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Celebrate... celebrate... dance to the music.....

Thank goodness for the ability to backspace… I’ve started this blog four times… Was gonna write about the drive in to work (I got here at 6:30, ain’t gotta be here until 8am.. but the peepers they was open, I wanted/needed coffee.. didn’t have any at home – so out the door I went at 5am.. Sitting at the diner, drinking coffee, reading paper, smoking cigs  now that’s stuff I like..)… The drive – the thoughts were semi negative – and I started to pen – but backed off…

I was gonna write about how I think I’m gonna retire ‘cause work has become a puppet show (was a good place to work not that long ago) – I usedta have as much fun as McMurphy here.. then I got lobotomized too.. Mebbe one day I’ll run like the Chief did… then I thought… “nah, I ain’t got enough money to retire anyways.. and besides.. the IT people are probably reading this, and if the strings from above mandate they snoop electronically (and they do it), then they’re probably the type that would get off on printing it and placing it on boss’s desk.” Would be kinda fun though, just one time, to let ‘em know how I feel! (Have another Dorito or cashew there!)

So….. insteada standing on my head to turn a frown intoa smile – I thought I’d just start with a list of stuff I do like….

Petite woman… Victor you GD pig. So? Ain’t we entitled to preferences?

The creamy stuff insidea Hostess cupcake.

Finding a penny face up and putting it in my pocket…

Finding a penny face down, flipping it over and walking away with a smile..

A small kid getting on base, and that millisecond after where his eyeballs find mom and dad’s eyeballs – and the smiles that accompany that…

An elderly couple displaying pubic affection…

Holding my breath until I know for sure the squirrel made it across the street as the car from the other direction comes at him…

Playing with Jackson, my Maine Coon cat, and he grabs me with both paws, but his claws ain’t out… and he doesn’t put ‘em out on purpose, ‘cause there are occasions where he likes me.

Admitting that the written word here ain’t gospel. (Ok, men drivers can suck too!)..

Watching a child having fun on the beach running away from the ocean to avoid the incoming wave…

Finding and plucking that GD half inch long hair that had grown on my ear and thinking about all the giggles the co-workers have likely had over it the last week or so…

A soldier coming home…

Watching a couple who had been arguing sharing a hug and a kiss…

Any parent of a working kid where the kid says ‘thank you sir.”

Walking past a complete stranger and we each choose to smile.

Watching an urchin at a dance recital goof up, recover, proudly finish – and top it all of with a huge smile…


Sex. (Victor you GD pig.) NO I’M NOT! I’ve been a… “celebate, celebate, dance to the music.”

Seeing my son flash a gorgeous smile.

Watching anyone having fun.

The sauna.

A hugeass platea ribs..

The look of the yard fresh after mowing.

The awesome skintone of a beautiful woman that absolutely drives me nuts..


HR people who are really HR people.

Giving appreciation to one for a job well done.

Getting recognition for a job well done.

Miscalculating my checkbook only to find $37 more dollars than I thought I had.

Puppy breath.

Beautiful, wonderful, shapely, 3D, female butts. (Victor, are you some kinda GD perve?)… Mebbe, what the hell.. I love lookin’!!!

A happy poor person…

Any volunteer…

A sick toddlers return to perkiness…


That’s the way, uh huh uh uh, I like stuff. There’s a lot to like in this world. Back in the dinosaur days – I remember delivering Frito’s to onea the poorest sections of Kansas City. The homeless would scavenge thru the dumpsters out backa the Piggly Wiggly.. Satiated, one would leave. The next would come up – and find treasures the first had passed over. We sometimes forget the treasures life affords. (Victor, just whointhehell are you talking to?)…. Me.

Celebrate, celebrate – dance to the music…. Hey? Go gobble up life wouldya? It’s a wonderful feast. Love, Victurd.

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