Friday, October 13, 2006

Some junk I've learned from life..........

If the car won't start, it's either gonna have a frozen windshield or be right around 100 degrees inside it.

What goes in cat's mouths eventually comes out somewhere else, and in spite of strategic litterbox placement - there are occasions it doesn't end up there.

The cats have, however, taught me cigarette smoke is a bad thing.

Throwing one's heart out there and having it broken is better than never having loved at all..

Smiles are contagious...

Passion - for anything - without jeopardizing another, is wonderful.

I love seeing places I've never seen before.

I've let friends down, and friends have let me down -- but the bonds have been too strong to have been broken.

I write better than I talk, or so someone once told me.

The bigger the belly gets, the more I have to lean forward to pee...

The bigger the belly gets, the more energy I expend getting up from the squatter.

The older I get, the less I care about how big my belly gets.

As I have aged, it takes me more and more time to eat a meal. It's "enjoy" versus "hurry-up, have to - so I can GO".. See above.

While younger - I was more motivated by my own motivation. As I age, I am REALLY perked by simply watching what others are doing. Perhaps that's why our eyes decline in aging - so we have to acutely concentrate when people watching.

Love deepens.

Green eyes are wonderful. Blue eyes are spectacular. Brown eyes are stunning. Eyes, any color - are wondrous....

Water, be it in a tub, a stream, a lake, a river, an ocean - is peaceful and therapeutic.

It's even more fun to give a massage than it is to get one.

Librarians, and the local Water Department Account's Receivable staff hate me.

I wasn't Country, and who said Country is cool? (Calm down, I do love music - and I've put more money into a jukebox this last year than I ever have in my entire lifetime.) Music is like water.

Music teaches. You just call on me brother when you need a hand.
We all need somebody to lean on. I just might have a problem that you'll understand.
We all need somebody to lean on.

The privates are for sex. Sex is very private. Privates can't ask and don't tell.

Ambulance attendants could probably care less about the condition of one's underwear.

We all have weaknesses.

The older I get, from seeing idol falls off the pedestal - it takes more and more observing before I place the next one up there.

People get disinterested with very long lists.

A Volkswagon will definitely float, but it won't float indefinitely.

I love life. And you.

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