Monday, October 16, 2006


or... splish-splash...

I fuggin' hate "have to's".. Not that this is a have to - it's just I ain't got the internet at home - so - I come into work early and it's friggin' intimidating to click that "CREATE" button - and do just that - be creative. What if I just don't friggin' feeeeeel creative RIGHT now.. Why must I have my registration, County Tax receipt, Driver's License, Certified Birth Certificate, re-app thingy they send in mail, all that crap - when I get my plates renewed? I mean shit, I've been driving on your roads for 38 years now - when does the friggin trust begin?

I shoulda moved to Key West long ago.. grown my hair... grocery-shopped in swimsuit/T-Shirt... driven a '93 Taurus.. Oh wait, I already do that one..

Hi-lights to a birthday weekend... Friday am, nice-nifty person here at work comes toting a present/card - a great start.. a feel good.. lunch with co-workers - they bought - way cool.. return from lunch Friday, there's 6 rolls of toilet paper strung throughout my cubicle - as well as fun pics.. ya know, selfishly, it felt pretty good to have all that attention in spitea the 7 hours it took me to roll the paper back up (hell, have you priced toilet paper recently?)

Getting house appraised so I can refinance - pay 'ahem' her portion of the equity. Painted my ass off all weekend. Why can't that phrase be "my belly off" - shit, I'd be obsessive more often if it did. Had onea those ladder "help, I've fallen and I can't get up" moments and the cats just looked at me like "be for real...I ain't helping you - you've fed me the same shit for the last ten years.. why should I help you?"

Long about 10pm Saturday night I said "Enough" - went to a local establishment and whilst there was damn near accosted by married lady who'd had probably six or seven mixed drinks.. Dunno where her hubby was - but - when she started feeling my pectoral muscles (don't get excited, they're very average) I knew it was time to say my goodbyes... Sad it was actually... "Til death do us part, well, ceptin' those weekends I wanna go the the bar and get laid by a stranger." Maybe she hates 'have to's' as well, I dunno...

Then Sunday my wonderful Kansas City Chiefs completed the weekend tri-fecta (local High School got butt kicked... MU got butt kicked...) as they REALLY got their butt kicked...

Still - all in all a good weekend... I took lotta pictures with my eyeballs (in betweengst fending off crazy lady's advances - a crew from a costume party walked in.. were two pretty good ones.. one guy had a plain ole suit on, but on the suit were no less than 12 Barbie dolls attached in various places... give?... he was a 'chick magnet'.... nuther lady had white makeup/black eyes... seedy looking.. and.. probably ten or eleven small boxes of cereal attached to her outfit.. each had a plastic knife punctured into it... uh huh.. cereal killer she was... ).. Love stuff like that.. gives us a chance to for-a-moment - return to childhood.

As I ride on this highway of life on my moped whilst them other mother dubbers fly by me - I'm kinda anxious to live year number 54. Each and every year from the past has had special moments - and no reason to think that won't change... Whatever year you are in - it's my hope it's enjoyful to you.. that you live life with the baited anticipation of 'first grade eyes'.. that you get laid semi-regularly... that you have great health.. and may peace be with you... Love, Victurd (PS: that wasn't a 'have to'!)

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