Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Didn't ya hate the kids who answered that way during roll call in school? Reminds me of the chicky in Beaver's class - Judy I think... Anyways... sorry I ain't written.. I needs to gets me the internet.. Then I'd have more time.. been workin' on ma house..

Only gotta sec... Ok, so you've "played along" on the Checkenginelight wonderful car I'll never get ridda and will keep until motor do us part.. Lemme see, the checkenginelight is one.. the parking brake light is on... the left visor fell off... I don't have park (only neutral, reverse, drive).. It ain't got AC... Heats up - primarily in 100+ degree temps - thus - I gotta turn on the heater to get the temp to go down. (I know, I know, a real chick magnet thing it is)...

Anyways, the latest - this morning as I fueled up, got coffee --- put the key in -- the little thing the key fits in has been spinning around freely... and.. now, this morning - it falls off... I try and try to get my key back in to get it going... Then I notice - the key I was trying was the trunk key.. and the ignition key was broken in two.. Oh shit.. Uh huh.. the other portion of the key is stuck in the ignition...

Just last week I thought to myself "ya know, I need to make another car key and house key 'cause I only got onea each, and someday I'm gonna be in a mess." I think I went to the casino instead..

So... what does this screwy driver utilize to crank the engine? Uh huh. A flathead screwdriver - fits in there real nice - and turns the ignition (and the broken key that's in the ignition) perfectly. I ain't real worried about anyone stealing my car.. Blind people don't normally drive...

May the key to your day be happiness.. May you unlock and reopen friendships from the past... Turn a new leaf in some area of your life - if you've been saying "I'm gonna do _____ "- then by golly, try it!... Crank up that love life... Be safe driving... My car? I'm screwed! Love, Victurd...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Victor,

I know why I enjoy you so much, you can always see the cup half full no matter what!!! Hope your day goes better and just think, Friday the 13th is only a few days away!!! Make sure you go to the casino!!!
