Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Our business is picking up......

Trash. That's the motto of onea my friend's trash company. Whatta multifaceted word: trash. Everyone deals with trash - and of course the most common thought is the sacks we set to the curb weekly.. Years ago, when Ralph worked and Agnes stayed home - Ralph's sole domestic duty was to ensure the trash made it's way out every Wednesday. Ralph was a good Joe, women hadn't burned their bra's yet.. and marriages were a little bassackwards. Agnes waited hand-n-foot on Ralph - but Katy-Bar the door should Agnes wakeup on a Thursday morning to find the trash cans full in the garage. Uh oh. "GD RALPH... YOU GET YOUR $**^ UP AND TELL ME WHY YOU DIDN'T TAKE THE TRASH OUT?... HE COMES EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING JUST LIKE HE HAS FOR THE LAST TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS.. IT'S THE ONLY GD THING I EXPECT YOU TO DO AROUND HERE AND YOU CAN'T EVEN HANDLE THAT." Poor Ralph. (Poor Agnes.) Yeah talkback, mebbe for once I agree with you. (May I print this?).. Ahm, NO.

Funny how marriages lasted longer back in those days...

Brownsville, TX. Road the bus from the border of Matamoras, Mexico to "the Market" in downtown Matamoras. Got off. Too early. Holy shit. I was usedta seeing Lenexa beige houses and emerald green lawns. We got off the bus too early -- saw the poverty around. Trash everywhere, houses literally pasted together with whatever was handy to paste them with. A real eye-opener. Trashy, but they couldn't help it.

Trash talk. In sports it's gotten a little outta hand. Began probably with Ali... His was fun.. creative.. Rhythmic even.. Now it's like "please play the fucking game.. and why do you go thru the gyrations when you do something nifty on the field yet - you stand motionless when you are the goat? Cowboy up wouldya?"

One man's trash is another man's treasure... Ya think they're talking about Evette and her low, low cut top.. cutoff at the pocket Levi jean shorts? (Victor.. I believe they would be talking about Garage Sales.. Yard Sales.. stuff like that - but nice try.) Oh yeah - maybe you're right.. but it was a nice visual whilst it lasted. (Now that's trashy.. simply trashy.) Down boy, or I'll backspace [trash] what comes from your pen.

Trash at work. Our building 'leaks'. Susie shares a secret with Katy.., Katy tells Betty, Betty emails Sally and Mark, Sally talks on the stoop after church to friends of Susie, Mark shares with the boys at the bar... and pretty soon the fact that "Susie has a crush on Jerry" turns into "I hear they're having sex in one of the back offices after hours." Wouldn't it be spiffy if we had padded trash compactors at work - and when onea these uglyass rumors got rolling - to take the "rollers" - load 'em up in the compactors - press the button, hear the grind and wait until ya hear "OK, OK, I PROMISE NOT TO GOSSIP - EVER - AGAIN." (Oh Victor - like you're perfect. You ignorant ass I've heard you before.. One of your favorite sayings is "I don't repeat gossip - so listen close the first time.") Yeah yeah yeah Ok. Maybe you're right - but I'd like to think I distinguish between 'trash' and fun stuff I hear. Honest, I try my best not to talk about others when they're not there in person, and never intend to humiliate. If you hear someone being trashed - makes ya think - hmmmm - I guess I would be the target if I tweren't here..

"White trash." I really don't like that term. I'm too damn logical I guess. It insinuates "all that ain't white - are trash - with this exception." Patooey.

Trash Dumpsters. Back when I peddled around in sales to grocery stores - ya'd see folks all up in the dumpsters looking for scraps - outdated merchandise - "lunch." Sad, very sad. Then... along'd come another - and he'd eat the stuff the first guy wouldn't...etc, etc. How humiliating. How sad. How can we fix that?

Recycle Bens. Me thinks it was the 70's when we realized "hey.. we're throwing this shit out at such an alarming rate - pretty soon we're gonna be covered in trash." So ecology began. Each town hired a "Ben" to sort thru plastic, glass, aluminum, etc.. and it was recycled. (Ahm Victor.. that's recycling BINS.).. Yeah.. reckon you're correct. Sometimes (like my old Nash Rambler) jokes here backfire and I should really consider backspacing them out. (Indeed.) Screw you KrispyKremebreath.

We got trash in our computers. We've got trash at work. We deal with the trash talk at work. We watch the T-Vee and hear sport's folk talking trash. We catch the news and see crime scenes where victims talk trash on the authorities.

Upon occasion, folks get 'trashed'. (But never you, right Mr. Happy Hour?) Bite me halfcafbreath. Trash can be vandalism. "My yard got trashed." We checkout at the grocery store and the Celeb Trash mags leap out at us with size 48 type - purporting unbelievable trash - "more inside."

We use the word trash to describe TV shows, movies, other people's language, other people, yards as we drive by......... trash is a popular word - but rarely in a good connotation.

I just kinda browsed over what I've written, and I apologize. I think I should trash it - but crap, it's 7:30am - soon they'll stare at me if I don't get my ass to work. So... you're stuck with this trash. Tune in tomorrow when the topic will be "Say... did you hear about Bonnie?".. Hehe.. If this is your trash day, may I be the very first to offer up "Happy Trash Day." Bye bye now. Victurd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.