Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I disagree.....

cry·ing ADJECTIVE:

Demanding or requiring action or attention: a crying need.

I disagree... "Demanding or requiring action or attention." Oh sure, when the little piglet arrives home from the hospital - their crying demands or requires action or attention... I disagree that's the intent when us old farts cry..

I cry for a few reasons - and none demand action or attention. The very best cries there are - are the ones where you're alone - you let 'er rip - not a sole knows - and somehow, ya feels better...

Pity for self? Eh, I kinda think - if one hurts inside - and part of it is perhaps a selfish hurt - to do so in your own bedroom/bathroom - there's nothing selfish or self-pitying about that... as long as one can jump back into the real world and co-exist..

I cry happy tears. These are perhaps the best - and ya know why you're elated - but you don't know how to control the bod - and happy tears flow... Far friggin' out..

Something horrible happens to one personally, the loss of a loved one - hell yes crying is acceptable. If we don't feel, what's the use in even being here? Close your ears - I cried when I re-read yesterday's blog... Pity for self? Eh, mebbe - but I feel more simply because I miss, still grieve for the loss of my loved ones... I think grief perhaps goes on the extent of one's life.. Does it make sense to say "I can grieve now for the loss of my father cause he died in '03, but I can't grieve for my mother because she died in '87." Not no's but hells no's it doesn't make sense.. It absolutely can't affect/control your daily worthiness on this planet - but dad-gummit I don't see a thing wrong about shedding tears because one's you loved so ain't here to enjoy today with you... I honestly think most of the time our tears in grief are FOR THEM, not us. As in "tain't fair".

So..... I hereby promise.. if I see something cool.. if I hear a cute story.. if I get a nifty email.. if I have the simple thought "hey, you're cool - I like you".. I'm gonna reach out and touch/share while touching/sharing can still be done...

Wouldn't ya like to be a fly on the wall in heaven? Well... let's spread the love here first... make sure those here we do love are aware of that...

Stop and smell the seconds.. Yesterday - I went thru Mickey-D's for a quick lunch... nabbed my Coke.. she (17-18 yr old snotnose)was getting ready to hand me the sack.. "ma'am, could I have some ketchup?".. she tossed 3-4 packets in the sack.. held the sack at the opening - looked me square in the eyes "they're 15 cents apiece now.".. "You gotta be kidding me?".. "No sir, I'm serious." She held the thought (and her straightahead serious glaze) for a moment - then flung me this beautiful smile - handed me the sack and said "Happy Memorial Day." She get's it. Life is for living. She smelled the second. I bet she's got a great mom & dad and has learned appreciation of life from them. Here was an old fart, front bumper cracked in two, brake light on, checkenginelight on, insidea my car looking like my damn desk at work yet - she had ZERO to gain from messing with me.. yet she did. Thanks kid - all too often we get so wrapped up about "us" - we forget others.

Stop. Look. Smell. Smile. Share. Cry. Touch. Doesn't mean you demand or require attention.. Happy 4-day work week, bye bye now, Victor

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