Monday, May 08, 2006

Today is THE DAY.....

I'm ready. Hell yeah. I've been so tired of this belly I never usedta have - gone, it will be gone. I've seen friends, - and thought "dang, they usedta be good athletes - but look at them now... you'd never imagine it." Well HA, I'm there now. Ok, maybe I wasn't a good athlete but GD I never usedta have trouble tying a damn shoe.

Today I will take workout clothes to work... get my hand weights outta the trunk... the little plastic mat I can do crunches on... a towel.. there's a shower.. I'll lift and concentrate on my legs one day... switch to my arms the next.... with some cardio thrown in...

I'm changing my eating habits.. Bye bye sugar... Seeya later soda pop... So long Fritos... Who-yeah...

EREHNNN EREHNNN EREHNNN EREHNNN.. the hell? who.. wha... where.. EREHNNN EREHNNN EREHNNN.. I'm.. a... OH MY GOODNESS. I'm awake. What a horrible, awful dream that was...I HATE bad dreams. Thank God it was you snooze alarm... Ok, ten more minutes to sleep... YES YES YES! (And I've still got time to swing thru Mickey D's for a sausage egg n cheese biscuit! Life is good.)

1 comment:

Miss Jaime said...

id rather die a fat happy girl with a bag of cheetos in my hand than a skinny pretentious bitch that has not met the mcgriddle.