Friday, October 24, 2008


I woke up again. Yipee!.. Laughable, but not when u stop and think about it…

I copied the family thingy blog and sent it to cousins, nieces… and received somea the warmest, heartfelt replies.. I think my unknowing, not consciously aware of the intent or ‘want’ of “keeping them alive” somehow strangely worked.

We have this day, today. It’s just another day… or is it.

We can go thru the motions, never leave the mundane… or… we can use the words love, “I like you”, “hi”… we can wing smiles… we can promise to not get so bent outta shape with the things that we normally allow to get our dander.

We’re human, we’ll mess it up – but if we have that baby cognizance of “even in shit, life ain’t too bad” it makes it all so much easier.

That “I like you” part. There’s a young punk I played softball with. I was graced in that these guys even allowed me on the same field with them. I thought I’d be a burden. I know this guy so-so, and we’ve always had pleasant visits.. (He’s a hunk, and if you’re ever at a ‘joint’, within five minutes he’s talking to the best looking gal at the place.. thus his nickname “The Hillbilly Heartthrob”!)..

Anyways… we never really had any long, endearing talks… minutes here, five minutes there.. last game of the season… “un-alcohol induced” he walks up to me and says “I really like you Vic… you’re a nice guy… yada yada.” (Please know I/he each stare at women’s derrieres and cleavage, so there ain’t nuttin gay about that).. It was such a good feel.

I learned. I learned from him what it feels like to be on the receiving end of someone saying “I like you.” Farm out. Way cool. And I wanna spread that, thanks to his impetus.

So today, we have this day. A gift. Yes, another ole day – but it’s an opportunity. We can handout feel goods. Insteada Halloween candy, I’m gonna try to hand out feel goods. I won’t say ‘em if I don’t mean ‘em ---- but if I feel ‘em, I ain’t concealing ‘em any longer.

“You’re a good worker…”… “you do wonderful work.” “I love your love of your snotnoses.”… “you look nice today.” “I value your friendship.”.. “You’re always happy, what the hell is wrong with you?!!”

Thanks Mike, for that nice comment – it’s given me a new vision, a new way.

To me, there is no such thing as “insignificant” in life. It’s all huge. Every minute, every waking hour, even sleep!..

So, may I start October 24th, 2008 with “thanks… I like you blog people… I truly value you being here.. your eyeballs and comments boost me through the days.. in shared yuck times, WE will get better.. in the UP times, WE will celebrate (celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music…. no, nevermind. I’m too old, too white to dance.. you dance, I’ll watch ur butt.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you.