Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Skeery word. In our lives daily. Differnt types. We go to store, give green, get change. We sit at stoplights, wait for change. We shower, change (or flip, hehe)…

We age, we change. Can’t fight it, it happens. We look in mirror, think, “holy shit”, body change is a bit aheada the brain change.

Brain does change though. Hell, the other night reception on TV was bad, couldn’t see the World Series clear. Was’a time, I’da gotten in car and sped to nearest joint as I just couldn’t miss an inning. Changed there. Ain’t quite as important.

Gotta buddy who’d been through a rough time. He’s literally got his stuff together, completely stopped drinking. Hope he doesn’t swat me, but he’d written “Life's not too exciting for me any longer, but I really happen to like it. “ Way cool my friend. Sometimes change rocks.

Woah. Divorce. Does that bring change. Trade sleeping with gorgeous lady to aging old cat. Damn daddy. Two incomes down to one. Holy mackerel. One car insteada two. Breaks down “oh shit.” Conversation at dinner changes when there’s only one. ‘Bout allya do is think about chit to blog about. Change.

Weather. We in Midwest put up with change. Perhaps even enjoy it. We bitch at the heat, the snow, the rain, the wind. We don’t change in that aspect.

Jobs, friends, situations, towns, houses. We change all that crap. Yes, we have lifelong friends – but even that changes. It’s not similar to what it once was when you’d go, just you and your friend for the entire evening. People happened. Mates, children. Changed, yet still the attachment.

Dating. Wow. “I’ve grown accustomed to your face.” Huh uh. Now, ya gotta learn allover again what’s inside one’s brain, and just what makes them tick. Likes, dislikes. Different, so different. Change. Sometimes, their take changes your take. Mebbe the one before had somehow helped form your opines, and ‘another view’ mebbe jolts, changes that.

Us old farts. We abhor change, then it happens, and we grump and groan and play hell after the fact stating “I’m glad we did that.”

Biotches at work teasing me about the date thing and the age difference.. “why don’t you invite her over to see your album collection… or all of your 8 tracks.” Biotches. I wouldn’t change being friends with any of ‘em though.

Fraternity. Was brutal. You’d buy a new shirt. A new car. New shoes. Get a new haircut. Virtually always faced with “How much did you pay for that?” WHY? “’Cause you got some change comin’ back!!”.. Bastards. Loved ‘em. Hi rickety whoop tee doo, what’samatter with Siga Ma Nu! Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Wouldn’t change it for the world.

Gathered some 30 years later. Holy Shit. Change. “Who’s he?”.. No, that ain’t Broz is it?” Yep…

At bar some time ago. Sat next to punk that was in the class behind me. Didn’t recognize me. Held hand out, said “Dave? It’s Vic.” … long studious stare.. Then “WOW”… Bastard. Tis cool. Giggled. Hurt a moment, but I giggled. We do change.

Driving to work today. We’d been driving on the far right two lanes (outside left one was closed for resurfacing.) Today, they switched us to far left two lanes. Two GD lanes still, yet traffic was backed up for blocks. Sometimes we just don’t do well with change.

TV shows, baseball, football, basketball champs, news anchors, comedians, movie stars, all that chit changes. Change is our constant, if that makes any sense.

I love life and all it offers. Change sucks, is interesting, is wonderful, is uncontrollable, will/does happen. 7,298 left. I hope. Lotta change ahead. 1,042 weekends left. I wanna get outta Dodge onea these weekends. Change the routine.

In baseball, there’s the fastball and the curve, usually thrown from 80 to 95 miles per hour. It’s the 67 mile per hour change up that makes hitters look like fools though.

Change has a way of doing that to us all. I love/hate change. Better run now. Gotta flip my undies and get to work. I’ll change ‘em tomorrow. I’m the baby, gottta love me. Love, Victurd

(Editor’s note: It’s said, “the only time you can change a man is when he’s a baby.” Bastards.)

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