Tuesday, October 21, 2008


That’s kinda interesting. We all have ‘em. There ain’t very much in this world we all share, have. Homeless ain’t gotta front door, bed. Half of us don’t have a thingy. Not all have limbs, extremities. For the most part, we all gots pockets.

Amazing huh, doesn’t matter age, height, weight, paycheck size/lack thereof. We all gots pockets.

Whadda you keep in your pockets? Oh sure, change, keys, billfold for us men. You? Eyeliner? Breath freshener? You young punks? Rubber?

Pockets are a stopping point for “I’ll put it away later.”

We store phone numbers, halfa Levitra pill (VICTOR!), lint, $1 off 9 Lives coupons, nails, screws, bolts, nuts, washers.

Pockets help when the hands are warm, or nervous. If you’re country, hands in the back pockets are cool.

Some, you can tell just by peeking, what they’ve had in their pockets as ‘designs’ are formed. Skoal. Comb. Billfold. Change.

Interesting too to gander at the washing machine tub after doing a load. Lotta weird stuff falls out. Mostly garbled, but, goes a ways in telling of our lives..

High pockets. Old guys. Saggers, low to the ground pockets.

Ever walk into Mickey D’s with 78 cents in your pocket only to get inside and realize you’ve now only got 47 cents? Uh huh, we get holes in the pockets. Mom usedta say quickly after payday I’d have a hole in my pocket.

Pockets can be erotic. Every pull one closer using the pockets as a grasping point? Uh huh, what I thought.

Our pockets are private. Don’t intrude. As a kid, lady in Dime Store accused us of stealing a needle thingy that you pump air into footballs, basketballs. Stopped three of us, ages 8-10, grabbed into our pockets to search. I’ll never forget that. An unwanted intrusion.

We store reminders there. Some keep their bankroll there with a money clip. Some are slow to the pockets when the tab comes. “Don’t worry Ralph, I’ll get this one.”

In my day, I’ve stored money, bills, change, phone numbers, paper clips (no idea why), mints, fliers, buttons, peanuts, gum, directions, key to new house/car, engagement ring(s), cigs, lighter, matches, Piggly Wiggly discount card, marbles, golf balls, jacks, pens, pencils, cologne, eye drops, lemon drops, photos, pick-me-up sayings, grocery lists…..

Usedta plant notes in whatshername’s pockets. “You look gorgeous.” Or, for the backpocket, “I love your booty!”…

Hotpockets. Sidepockets. Polly pockets. Magic pockets. Periodontal pockets. Suited pockets.

Pockets are world known, yet contents private. Our pockets tell of our lives.

As a former snotnose age school teacher, said lovingly, nothing better (worse?) than having a second grader keep that piece of candy for his PE teacher in his pocket all day thru class, during lunch, recess… only to hand to his teach the last hour of the day. Kinda cool when you think about it. Resisting temptation all day – then giving to his teacher friend.

As the economy sucks, we think more of our pockets. Every day decisions surround the pockets. Even something as simple as a drive to the store brings our pockets to mind as we take the most direct route.

Hey. I hope, if only for a minute, your mind was taken off everyday woes. Bill worries. Relationship scrambles. Have to’s.

I’ve gotta long list of things for me to assist me getting to where I wanna get tomorrow. Gonna put that list in my pocket. Take it out at night, study it, then put it in my pocket again in the morning. Mebbe, just mebbe one day I’ll work on the list, a little at a time.

Amazing how important something as unimportant as a pocket can be.

Wonder what George W has in his pockets during the day? Obama? Condoleezza? Sarah Jessica Parker? Elisabeth Shue?

My folks (and two other sets of parents) did go to that store and make that lady apologize. She was naturally grumpy anyways, don’t think it rearranged her take on life. Pockets is private lady, even urs.

Pull your lover up close, pocket to pocket. Enjoy the day, love, Victurd

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