Tuesday, June 05, 2007


No, I wasn’t at the library. (Remember, they hate me. They look at me like scourge over their bifocals. I’m reduced to feeling like a 3rd grader with a late book and recess being taken away until I’m a 5th grader.)

The sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is for listening. I don’t have one GD thing to talk about, so, why not talk about listening?

Listening is more valuable than a GED, HS, College, Grad School… Listening is way more educational than preparing/giving a speech…

Selective hearing. I do that. Quite often. I do it during drive time. I usedta do it some in “her” time.. Not with intent, but I did. In a crowd of friends, when one tells a sixty second story in four minutes - I become selective about the 50 second mark. As you well know (hehe) I’m never a smartass, and I would NEVER interject something like “is this a long story?”… It usually draws a pissy look from the “they’re playing music it’s time to get offa my ‘Oscar’ speech” - but it quells those around, and I’m silently serenaded with “thank you thank you, I was so bored I almost thought about going back in to work early!”…

Kid listening. I was molded at the dining room table of my aunt and uncle. With my kids, if I were to sit at a table visiting, I’d be concerned damn near every second about their whereabouts and what they were into… Not as a kid… I hella learned at that table..I’ve always been enthralled by listening to those longer in tooth, and hope to stay that way forever..

School listening. Depends on a lot. The teacher. The subject, and your angst for it. The inner (or outer) pressure to “do good.”.. or, perhaps the apathy involved…

Work listening.. Most of it is casual. It’s wonderful to listen over cubicle walls and hear how coworkers deal with frustration. Hell yes I’ve lost it a time or two.. I get upset with idiots (sorry, can’t thinka better description) and those that don’t care. I cuss the idiots out internally, and the one’s that don’t care, I usually start with “lemme talk to someone besides you.”

Marital listening. I’ve used the phrase, when you really want one’s attention, you need to grab them by the collars and look ‘em eye to eye from inches away and say “ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?”.. That would be a tiny key “this is fucking important.” I think, many a relationship would still be intact if this method were utilized…

Listening is not wholly auditory… We listen in concert with our eyes, our emotions, our brains/thought processes…

Listening leads to deduction. How we think of others. Their tone. Their giving. Their talking of others when they ain’t around. Seeing them at a distance, not knowing whatinthehell they’re saying, but they’re whispering. Can’t be good. Has to be just one side of the board.

We listen to the weather stations in time of emergency… We listen to baseball games so-so, until the intense parts… We listen to the Super Bowl, the State of the Union, Breaking News, a frantic loved one - with very keen senses.

We listen in lovemaking.. And the sounds are surreal to anything else lifewise - but that’s ok.. It’s a special time..

We listen to small kids, grand kids, other people’s rugrats with a smile. Just the fact they’re putting together thought processes is a perk, no matter the outcome.

Lady at work’s five year old was helping with the dishes.. His help was with good intent, but, the results were “two steps back for every one forward.” After the 3rd instruction, he lovingly fired back to his mom “I can tell I’m frustrating you mom.” Kids listen, oh do they ever.

My cousin. Age 5. You’d ask him a question over the phone. He’d listen intently, and then shake his head yes or no.

Listen Victor, do you remember when you talked about the person that told “a sixty second story in four minutes“?

Ok, I get the message. I was listening.

Listen here sonny… Listen up…

Listen, do you want to know a secret Do you promise not to tell, woh, woh, woh

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain…

I don’t repeat gossip, so listen close the first time…..

Loveya.. DID YOU HEAR THAT? Loveya, Victurd.

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