Monday, June 18, 2007

I'm in love with.........

With all the negativity that runs thru our brains (or mine at least)… thought I’d stop for a sec and jot down reminders of what I AM in love with… Got any to add?

A door held open by a stranger…..
Winter’s first snow…
Harvest moons…
Louie Armstrong’s passion…
Tim Conway’s antics…
Elisabeth Shue…
Peanut M & M’s…
5pm on Friday…
Bills paid, balance left….
4th quarter of a tight basketball game…
Watching a baseball game, any age playing (T-Ball thru the Majors)
An awesome bod….
A person who wears their smile all day…
Elvis dancing freestyle in his youth…
Peanut Buster Parfaits…
BBQ ribs…
Watching a snotnose at Christmas present opening time…
That cig when I’ve been cooped up forever and a day…
An elderly couple seated on the same side in a booth…
Releasing the ball in bowling and you know it’s a strike before it ever gets close…
Being at the airport and watching a soldier get off the plane to meet his/her loved ones….
Athletic teams sincerely congratulating their opponents after a hard fought battle…
Any person’s excitement accentuated by quick arm movements….
A person demonstrating their faith…
Mom/dad ogling over their toddler…
That feeling after brushing the chops…
That point of a kiss where you think “I could get lost here forever”..
An unexpected meeting with an old friend..
Falling asleep in the spoon position…
Going to a family function - and truly appreciating the fact an elderly loved one is around for it…
A full gas tank…
A unopened carton of cigs…:
Laughter outta control that produces tears…
The sauna…
A sundress…
Seeing a friend/loved one who’d been in a pickle finally enjoying a laugh…
Any critter excited to seeya…
A smiley, appreciative cashier…
A run down the slope just after a fallen snow…
The exhilaration feel on the plane after landing safely….
Kramer’s entrance….
Snagglepuss’s exit…
Beav as a kid…
Barney getting his bullet out…
The hand in the hand at the movie theater…
Weather in the 70’s….
The beautification an ice storm provides…
An email in the inbox you’ve been awaiting…
Receiving snail mail…
Those eyes and that smile that friggin talk when the feeling is mutual…
Watching friends have a good time… appreciating their laughs….
A spin around town that evokes memories of days gone past….
The excitement of tomorrow…
The thankfulness of the past….
The appreciation of today…
The ability to stop mid-blog whenya gotta pee really really badly…


I love you. Even though you’re a chickenshit, or, there ain’t anyone even here… I challenge you to add a few…

I coulda gone on and on (Victor, you went a little overboard… the hell you talking about?)… Point is.. There’s so GD (gosh darn) much out there to appreciate, to love, to be thankful… tis kinda cool to stop and remind ourselves of same…

Loveya, Happy day, Victurd….

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