Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Q) So, borrowing a term from the 60’s (I’ve noticed you refer to the 60’s fairly frequently) you kinda-sorta think you’re “hot shit” you’ve done this for two years now eh?
A) Yes. Perceptive. I would think that by now, if Elisabeth Shue has spent ANY time on the internet, she’s wondered by a time or two.

Q) I’ve noticed, the three or four that occasionally stop by to read are female… are you like some sorta he-she or something?
A) Well… I’m not a hunter. I grew reasonably tired of sports long ago. I’m no so fond of “T&A” talk… I guess that I’ve just found women are more about feelings.. And I find myself, at this time, in this place in my life - more attuned to feelings. Short story long, yes, I’m a he-she.

Q) Wow there went anyone that was seriously considering you on MySpace. So have you dated some that come here? And if so, why are they still hanging around?
A) Good question, and there are times I’ve wondered that as well. Yes, I have dated some that run across this. To be frank, I don’t think I/we (any that come here) have ever had a terse word. They’ll correct me if I’m wrong I’m certain, but I believe that to be true. I truly think they see things similar to I, in that whatever that given time was, it was special - no matter the end.. And there’s some kinda bond there. No matter who the ‘ultimate decider’ is, you can’t erase your past - and thankfully it seems to be mutual that whatever time was spent was special - and time will live for ‘er, and appreciated mutually.

Q) Animals don’t talk, yet, it seems they play big in your life, how come?
A) I beg your pardon, animals DO talk. If people had the giving hearts of animals, the newspapers would be scraping to find stories that didn’t involve war, drive-bys, abductions, molestations, etc… Again, damn straight we can learn from our pets. Their unconditional love is a gift.

Q) Could your fraternity brother really tie his pee pee in a knot?
A) Scout’s honor, he could.

Q) So…… If I remember correctly, this all started with a kinda-sorta correlation between life, it’s ups and downs, and you piecea crap ‘93 Ford Taurus. True?
A) Uh huh. My sister proudly purchased the ‘93 Taurus the last years of her life. Late 1990's.. When she passed in early ‘99, she willed it to my dad… He got Parkinsons shortly thereafter and (I don’t really care if he reads this) my sister’s widow said “I’m gonna let your Dad have the car.. But when he starts getting all shaky and shit, I want it back.” With that said, and my dad passing in ‘2003, would you give it to him? Sure, I’d love a nicer car - but there are spirits that ride with me daily - and I don’t take that for granted.

Q) You copy and paste lyrics pretty frequently I’ve noticed. Is that legal and whyinthehell do you do so?
A) I don’t know if it’s legal. Whadda they say? “Can’t get blood out of a turnip.”.. Music is a salvation. For happy people. For sad people. For lonely people.. For people in crowds. It makes our minds wonder and our bodies gyrate, no matter how badly they look gyrating. It’s a feel good for young and old. I love feel goods. (I love good feels too, but it’s been awhile for that.)

Q) So who here has known you the longest?
A) Well.. There are twists to that question. I remember CJ in the 8th grade play the Wizard of Oz.. (I’m 54, so you figure it out.) I remember Gracie when she came to Liberty in HS. Internet-wise, probably Cherryl the longest, followed by Connie, and then Rae. My most recent good friends are Kathie and Teresa.

Q) Do you really have shortpeckeritis and are hard of hearing“……….
A) Huh?

Q) What’s your goal in all this crap?
A) Believe it or not, from friend’s emails, IM’s in drunken stupors, they’ve suggested I should “go write for a magazine”…”you tell it like it is.. Go contact the Pitch”… “Try to find advertisers for this, you could make some money.”… Nice, very nice words to hear (albeit from drunken stupors)… but I’m perked by comments. Many times I’ll go several days ‘tween ‘em, and it’ll bug me - cause I wanna do my best.. I wanna keep people here.. I wanna feel like, but sharing the everyday shit in my life - maybe somehow kinda-sorta I’m relating to everyone’s every day shit in life. (And the good shit too)… So that’s my perk/goal, just to occasionally have eyeballs here.

Q) This is the second 8 and a half by 11 pagea this crap. Whatsay we stop?
A) Works for me. If anyone has stayed awake thru all this crap anyways I might market it up agin’ NoDoze.

Thanks, for two years wortha fun. This has become a parta my life. Thanks for making it a tiny bit of yours. I love all of ya (and no, this isn’t a drunken stupor!).. Love, Victurd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just KNEW someone besides me remembered my moment of glory!! I hope that was only one of the earliest memories,.. and not the most significant one!!
Love, C.J. Queen of the Winkies