Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Mid-Summer Night's Dream....

Ok, I know. The very first day of summer ain’t until tomorrow… Believe me I remember.. I got married on June 21st long ago… (Victor, how long ago?)… Ok dammit, it was 1976... A good lady, a good time of my life… Really no regrets…

(So how can you say “Mid-summer night’s dream”?)… “cause everything is pushed up nowadays“… hurry hurry.. .hubba hubba… Cell phones in middle school… Nephew said “yeah, my kid’s ball season will be over mid-July.” WHAT? Mid-July?

Driving to work today. Speed limit 65. I was going 66. Dirty, dirty, dirty looks I got as they whizzed around me…

We’ve forgotten relaxation… we’ve sidestepped the roses… We’re all-centered on our lives and have not placed the mandatory eyeballs on our kids… (Ok, I know, not all of you/us.).. We worry about tomorrow, therefore, we miss the appreciation of today.

Yesterday, keeping up with the Jones’s meant planting your own GD peonies in the corner of the lot… Today it means SUV’s, electronic gadgets that hold more songs than have ever been written, taking (and staying in) jobs that pay well - no matter how shitty it is.. No matter how much you hate it… Gotta have it - to keep up… to stay ahead…

Today I hada friend email me “I resigned from my job, and negotiated with my corp to take back a job I had with them 2 promotions ago... and 2 years ago. I'm relieved, elated and exhausted-all in one. 'Hell of a day.”

Fuckin’ A Ray I say. We think differently at 50-something. Lord knows we drive differently at age 50 than at age 20-something, 30-something, etc… (If you ever head South on Hgwy 71 from Grandview, Missouri at 5pm, WATCHOUT for a maroon Mercury Mountaineer…yes, Kendra… she drives like she just robbed a fucking bank and she’s being pursued…

We’ve gone over this before. But it bears repeating. (Victor, you said “bears”.. does this have anything to do with you being 54 yrs old and playing strip poker the other night?”)… Ya know, maybe it does… I’ve had so much fun relating that story… Sheepish? SURE… Braggadocios? Of course not… Would I do T(it) again? OF COURSE I WOULD!

We are of the age of NOW. Not the next minute. Not tomorrow. Not the bank balance of two years from now. We are in the age of “who gives a fuck about the Jones’s and what they have.” They can’t replicate happiness.

Screw their three car garage. I personally only have one car and a two car garage, therefore, I’ve placed a full sized bed in the other stall to have wonderful, spontaneous, outrageous, orgasmic sex. (Victor, is that true?)… Well, you know me… and my house… and my ‘luck’.. No, it ain’t true. My GD garage door is broken, I can’t even raise it.. But it’s the pointa the matter. Perspective.

It’s really a great age. Tonight I saw a friend (for years I thought she had the nicest booty I’d ever seen…) I hadn’t seen in twenty years. I was a happy/sad moment to meet up again, and compare wrinkles… but it was a slow reacquantance, a good meeting… no hurry.. Howya been.. Whereya been… whadareya doing now.. Howsurkids… what sup next? (Oh, and the booty is still pretty nice - I DIDN’T hurry past that analysis!)…

The point to this blog? I dunno. Live life as if you’re in the passenger seat I guess… Don’t worry about who’s passing, who’s in that lane.. How fast that Lexus goes… take time to observe all the good around… (All the shitty too… but let that help you make choices.. Life is about choices.)

(I’m at the library.. And in the upper right hand corner I’m reminded to hurry.. I have 2 minutes and 53 seconds left to type.) PSYCHE!… I’m at home.. It’s 10:35 pm, and I’ll go to bed whenever I GD well please.

I’ve decided to replace “hurry” with :”decide”. I’ll decide how fast I wanna go. I’ll decide what I’m gonna do. I’ll decide what’s important - and I’ll be damned if I’ll let others decide that. I’ll be damned I’ll switch lanes as the GD idiot behind me is within inches, and I’m doing the maximum speed limit.

I’ll be GD if I’m gonna hurry thru a phone call from my kid… I’m gonna stop, listen, and highlight the goodstuff of what’s said. I promise not to judge, or say “whenya gonna do this.. Whenya gonna do that?”

I guess I’m just stopping (or going slower and observing) to enjoy. Inspitea not getting laid on a regular basis, or even on a semi-annual basis.. Life, it be good.

Hurry up and get to the next website… or… take a moment and think about what is REALLY important to you. I try. (Blog updates: Yes, Oscar still lives here… I guess there’s no hurry.. Yes, Reid and Soanya are doing fine..[long story if ya ain’t been here… checkout]…

Life ain’t like chuggin’ a beer….. it’s more like sipping the wine… No matter which path you choose… pleasant hiccups to you… Love, Victurd.

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