Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A mid-year look at New Year's Resolutions.....

Ok, I know it ain't exactly mid-year... but the only thing 'tween is the anniversary of my first marriage... and that was on the longest day of the year... but... she's a good woman.. but... it ENDED... so any end sucks! (Ok, I take that back... I've seen some fine, fine ends in my day!)....

They were.. And (The Progress.. Or lack thereof):

I resolve to make a snow angel in 2007. (Oops… snow dammit, snow!)

I resolve to pee my name in the snow in 2007. [First name only.. think the prostrate is swollen, just ain't got the pee staying power I usedta.] (Repeating, SNOW DAMMIT, SNOW!)

I resolve to see my new friend pee her name in snow in 2007. [She said she could and that's double dog dare.] (Well hell… ain’t seen her in awhile. KATHIE can you helps me with this one? SNOW DAMMIT, SNOW!)

I resolve to tell onea them impactive folks they were impactive in my lives. [I won't depress them and show them my 401K.. they might feel as if they failed.] (Notch #1. I’ve done this, and it was rewarding, to each… and there are plenty more I’m gonna try to say thanks to.)

I resolve to get laid in 2007. (I’m sorry.. I’m fitty-four… what’d you ask? Speak up sonny!)

I resolve to sleep outside at least once in 2007. (Not done, but does the hole in the fucking ceiling make me come kinda close?)

I resolve to continue writing this stupid blog thru 2007 inspitea you non-commenting cocksuckers [but, said with love.] (So far, so good… well… dunno if good.. But EverReady still going. Oh, and I’m sorry to have called you cocksuckers. You biotches!)

I resolve to write about something OTHER THAN Victor a minimum of once a week. (I’d haveta go back and look.. But probably not… Side note: even if it IS me.. About me… I really really would liketa think this blog is more about life.)

I resolve to have a new address, ie, sell this hunka-junk, by 12/31/2007. (Still here. But… just as soon as I get a $5000 liner for the 18x35 inground pond [pool]… and after I pay the Gonzalez’s $6000 to re-roof.. And McIntrye Carpet $7500 for new carpet throughout… and Acme AC Repair $3000 to fix the Central Air… and, I get Maynard steadily working… I’m outta here. Should be another week or two!)…

I resolve to have a Christmas tree up this year. [You think that's an easy one for a depressed ole fool?]. (Why read this… It’s June for goodness sakes!)

I resolve to contact some very good friends I haven't talked to for quite some time... Especially Herbert & Dale. (25% done. I drove to Dale’s house the day after I wrote this. Sonofabitchin’ neighborhood grew so much, I didn’t recognize his house..Having no cell, I turned back around… went home… I WILL do this one!)

I resolve to get started on this list a tad bit sooner in 2008. (Come see me later… Oh, I did this in late March, 2007)

I resolve to spend a minimum of 4 nights in a hotel or motel in 2007. (This is gonna be a close call… My remaining week of vacation is the week after Christmas… By God, even if I’m alone with two double beds, I’m gonna do it!)

I resolve to spend 24 hours straight some day with someone without a sole knowing where we're at. (Very close. But the friggin blackjack dealer took my last $40 after 18 hrs.)

I resolve to stop and watch a little league game this summer even if I don't know a single snotnose there. (I watched a practice… so getting closer)…

I resolve to get CD player hooked up to bigass speakers I gots sittin' in garage gathering cobwebs. (Not done.)

I resolve to play one kickass prank on someone at work this year. (I’d say I’ve handled this one fairly well. I prank my bud Kendra on a daily basis. She can’t keep up, she’s weak. I AM the cubicle Director!)

I resolve to throw away any skidmarked underwear (Still skidmarked after washing) at the Laundrymat. (Just peeked. Uh huh, done. Still have some holy ones however.)

I resolve to try dancing (sober) at least once in 2007. (Did this, it wasn’t pretty.)

I resolve to go a minimum of 24 hours in a row without a cig in 2007. (Be for real.)

That’s it? Yes, that was it. My list. I challenge you, my friends (biotches) to conjure up your list and compare notes.

GD time flies. Seems like yesterday when I made that list. Since though… I’ve nearly peed my pants laughing… have felt like walking out of my job a time or two, or three… have been out with a grand total of TWO women… gotten brand new eyeballs… taken 219 naps… and put 43,679 more miles on checkenginelight… (we’re up to 212,000 plus).. Wonder what the record is.

Happy mid-year. Happy mid-riff.. Happy middle o the road… Happy midi-player… If you’re preggo, happy mid-term… Life… it ain’t half bad. Love, Victurd.

(Side note... today is the 20th anniversary of my mother's passing... Tis Ok.. she'd love the fact I'm here... blogging... writing... I can still hear "how's my Victor"... can still taste her Spanish Rice... can still see her great arm playing catch with me in the yard... can still see the pallet she made for me to lay and watch TV... my bud... my friend.. my counselor.. my biggest supporter.. my mom... loveya mom... Yes. Not good the early end. However, the days we had, we were lucky. Blessed. I'm so tickled about that. Many can't write that. Some never lived it. Don't feel for me. I loved and was loved. Baby tear. Victor)

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