Monday, June 11, 2007


LOVE Peanut Buster Parfaits from Dairy Queen. Only problem is, who goes to Dairy Queen anymore? What? This in-a-hurry world STAND IN LINE?

HATE those GD 48” off the ground headlights from Buford’s Ford F-350 GLARING at me at the stoplight. I’ma thinking Uncle Sam oughta regulate ‘em all the be the same height.

LOVE Sonic Root Beer Floats. Orgasmic. Ok... Does very good work?

HATE standing in line at a fast food joint for 8 minutes (the guy infronta me has been there for six)… Finally he’s to the front.. “May I help you?”… Bastard puts hand on chin and THEN starts pondering over the menu.

LOVE: Listening to/watching the rain from a screened in porch.

HATE: Being caught in the rain.

LOVE: The wag of a dog’s tail, the flick of a cat’s.

HATE: GD Mice and Racoons thinking they are ‘indoor pets’.. I’ve dealt with mice and racoons in the garage this year… GD Oscar! He resurfaced!

LOVE: No hurry.

HATE: Hurry.

LOVE: When seeing a friend, loved one, co-worker uncontrollably having their laugh include a snort.

HATE: Walking down the hallway, and having the person approaching from the other direction miss out on a Hi or a nice smile.

LOVE: Smiles.

HATE: Farts that slip out and you’re fairly certain others heard.

LOVE: The saxophone.

HATE: Bands so loud you can’t hear the singer.

LOVE: Blogging.

HATE: Sitting here not knowing what to write.

LOVE: Boxer briefs.

HATE: Boxers. (If female, try running braless… a decent comparison.)

LOVE: Movie twists I didn’t see coming.

HATE: I’ve watched Mash sooooooo much since whenever, it’s predictable now.

LOVE: Love

HATE: Hate

LOVE: Having the opportunity for a person to open up with their feelings, what’s going on in their lives…

HATE: When I forget to ask.

LOVE: To peruse the internet.

HATE: When you have to register for something… they ask the year you were born in a drop down (UP pops 1973) and you have to scroll, scroll, scroll s’more to finally get to your year.

LOVE: Computerized Bowling Tournaments at my hangout on Monday Nights!

HATE: Not being finished with blog but hitting ‘send’ anyways.

Life’s all about love/hate. We all have moments of each. Sure, hopefully we’re in love moments more than hate…. But we’ve all been in hate. I hate when that happens. But, I love you! Victurd.

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