Sunday, June 10, 2007


Cannot, huh uh, nope, nein, nada.

Can’t is onea the most interesting contractions there is… You can’t go home… Well, sure you can… It might not be what it once was… but you can…

You can’t see your deceased loves ones again… Well, mebbe not here on this planet - but I can’t wait to see them again someday… Ok, I guess I haveta wait. (Haveta is another interesting one we might explore someday..)

Can’t brings out vim and vigor. Read a quick article about a kid who got cut from his HS baseball team as a Junior (From my hometown even.) You can’t cut it. You can’t make it here. Turns out the kid said “haha” - played summers, progressed, learned, sweated, toiled - and his Junior College team just won the National title AND he was the number 1 pitcher on the staff…

You can’t beat this cancer. Literally thousands out there that are waking/walking testaments to the contrary.

You can’t fight City Hall. Local gas station, after 50% of their potential traffic was cutoff by some GD engineer who made it impossible for Eastbound traffic to turn into their joint fought. $565,000 later (awarded to them to be paid by the City), they turned ‘can’t’ into ‘can.’

Paris said “you can’t put me in jail.” Funny haha. They can! (And did.) No comparison to a Hilton, yet the nightly rate ain’t bad!

Roger Clemens, you can’t come back. You're 43 for criminy sakes. You’ve got a fatigued groin even. Won the first game he pitched yesterday.

A friend of a friend was a friend to Ewing Kaufman….Ewing tried his best to persuade his buddy to go in fitty-fitty with him as he started his chemical company in the basement of his home. “Too risky.. you can’t make it” the friend said. Now, there’s a bronze statue of Ewing sitting outside of Kaufman Stadium, home to the Kansas City Royals.

You can’t sit there Rosa Parks. Watch me! Can't never did anything.

George Carlin made boo-koo bucks on his 7 dirty words you can’t say on TV. (What the hey, it’s a blog: Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits.) You can’t blog that! Wanna bet?!!!

Can’t is absolute. But really it ain’t. The 72 yr old who sat in Buck O’Neil’s “Legacy Seat” at the Royal’s game last night I’m sure heard can’t. Upon retirement from his regular job, he went backa to school in his late 60’s… got his teaching degree and now works with behaviorally challenged youths. You can’t do that. You’re too old. Ha!

The computer and it’s friggin’ ‘can’t’s’ (wow, that’s a lotta ‘s there!).. Can’t print. Can’t find. Can’t send that email. I am NOT a fucking ‘invalid’!!! You can’t say that!

Predicted by the year 2050 the number of cases of Alzheimers will multiply by four. Can’t remember who predicted this. They can’t predict that. (Beloved grandfather.. In his final years would come visit. We hada white house, porch swing on front porch. Never failed, he’d take a walk… we’d find him six doors down… swinging on the porch swing.. Uh huh, white house of our neighbor. You can’t do that. He did. We laughed, as did neighbors. Harmless.)

Saddest day of my life - wheeled my father into the lobby adjacent to his hospital room. I started telling stories of mom, my sister.. He didn‘t say “I can’t remember” but his glazed stare related that to me. This can’t be so. Where are all those years in his mind. Please say it ain’t so. I was lucky. Dad recognized me until the very day he died. (He did tell the nurses “my son is a bellhop in this hotel.”) Ya haveta laugh. In his fogginess, he was still proud.

You can’t control another’s feelings. One way, you can’t turn there. Kids from the Inter-City can’t make it. (haha, MANY have.) You can’t play in the Major Leagues. Wayta stretch that single into a double Jackie!

Can’t is absolute. It’s inspirational. It’s real. It’s untrue. It’s judgmental. It’s degrading, demoralizing. In most instances, it’s just downright ugly.

I think I can I think I can. Watch me! Screw you! I told you so!

Think I’m quitting now. Can’t thinka nuttin’ else to say. Can’t mow, GD rain. Could do dishes, clean kitchen. Nah, can’t. Needa nap. Can’t blame me canya? Love, until the day I pee my pants and can’t remember my name, Victurd.

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