Monday, June 04, 2007

Black like me...... kinda sorta.....

For whatever reason… Many friends I’ve had/have happen to be black… There are (to me) basically three kindsa white folk opinions of the black/white relationship….

One: the diver-inner… This guy/gal, pretends to be black.. Deals only with black.. “Lives” black.

Two: I won’t have anything to do with you because you’re black.. Don’t think these types still exist? HAH!

Three: The kind of people that look at people as people, and say screw color (or religion, or politics, or money/lack thereof, etc.) They look at people as people. I would like to think that’s me… or the group I belong in…

Close your ears… I probably (initially) am overly nice to anyone of black color because I feel apologetic for past (and ongoing) discrimination. Fake? No, not really. Pity? Nah.. See from their shoes? I’d liketa think so…

If I’da been born in the 40’s, 50’s and black… I’da been onea the first to say “Screw you” and I’da peed in the white restroom… I’da ordered up a cheeseburger in the “no coloreds” café…

MLK woulda probably have had to said “woah, slow down Victor.” People are people.

I brought up the topic at lunch about a KC Star article… about Mexican kids who were illegally brought here when they were 2, 3, 4, 5, etc… and now that they’ve completed schooling.. College/good paying jobs ain’t an option ‘cause they ain’t gotta SSN#…..

That, in and of itself, is another debate…. But one chicky said “well… I think they must learn OUR language…”

I said “I disagree.”

She said…”well, my grandparents came over in the 20’s from Holland (I think it was) and they HAD to learn English.”

My point exactly… kinda…. We all come from somewhere… Me…. There’s Irish, English, Dutch, German, and Indian… and I am quite certain it wasn’t a “Have to.”

If everyone that came to the US in days past had to speak English, what percent of us wouldn’t be here today? A LOT.

Do I feel maybe those Mexican children owe something for an education they didn’t pay for? Sure. And that could be arranged, in exchange for perhaps grandfather citizen rights… “You’ll get a SSN# with an A on the end.. And we’ll take 5% of your salary for ____ years to pay for what already US citizens have paid for… we understand you have absolutely zero to do with you being here… and this is now your “home” too….

Any time… any one is thought to be ‘lesser’… in my shoes… it’s wrong… YES, I believe in our laws.. And following immigration guidelines (at least for the ones knowingly bypassing/userping them)….

Blacks aren’t even illegal immigrants, and they’re still discriminated against. Don’t believe me? Ask one.

We still gotta long way to go… and I do think we’re gaining…

God Bless children… They don’t see color… God Bless the elderly… They’ve been around long enough to discover “people are people.”

OK.. I’m off my soapbox… You sonsabitches… You’ve commented on stupid stuff like cat blogs… Men in the urinal blogs… Size of penis (or lack thereof) blogs… Derriere blogs…

This one’s serious… If you have a feeling either way.. I double dog dareya to reply…….

Love, Victurd…..

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