Friday, December 15, 2006

Thank you...

for the comments... Greatly appreciated... and I guess life boils down to passion... Ifyain't got passion - what's the use in being here... Passion involves both ends of the spectrum, both sides of the board - and I recognize that... again - thanks... I've never intended to hurt - and if the offended REALLY REALLY knew me - she'd understand the view from my shoes was intended to be fun, not evil.


Borrowed and paraphrased from Chuck Shepherd's News of the Weird: Golden, CO.. A judge upheld a condominium associations ruling that residents are prohibited from smoking in their own unit. No way? Way. I simply can't imagine that. Hell, what would I do if someday I eventually do have sex again -- after -- would I have to lay there and chew Nicorette gum? Crunch-crunch-crunch... ahhhhhhh....

Stolen verbatim from Mr. Shepherd "A day before that, however, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to instruct the police to treat marijuana-smoking as the city's lowest law-enforcement priority." Hehe. NAB THAT BASTARD! HE'S GOT A MARLBORO!!!!

I guess Rosie O'Donnell made funna the Chinese whilst she was envisioning what their TV report would sound like inregard to Danny Divito's drunken TV appearance. You know - I don't think I even wanna touch that one... There's a whole lotta potential discrimination stuff there...

Whadda great time of year... We hold visions of Christmas yesteryear -- and -- for those with little ones -- we try to make it even bigger, better, brighter than what we remember...

We worry about giving the right thing... don't worry quite as much about paying for it - but moreso whereinthehell will we find replacement dollars for the mortgage, electricity, gas bill, etc, etc..

Took a drive last night to nowhere to see the lights... "The thing" this year seems to be all-white-lighted Christmas trees.. It is kinda cool though eh? As much as there is diversity in people - the lights on the outside of houses indicate this diversity too.. Snowflakelike... Fun.. even if it was just me and 101 the Fox..

If there are any fitness experts out there - PLEASE send me the recipe for Abs of Steel. Close your ears, I fucking hate crunches - but I faithfully (well, I call it faithfully, 'cause people go to church once a week and consider themself faithful)do 120 crunches mostly every night in the back corner of the Community Center.. I cuss Kendra, sweat, hurt, cuss Kendra s'more - but I do 'em.. and I CAN'T SEE PROGRESS. (Kendra always "one ups" whatever number of crunches I say I do... and I hate her 'cause she's 24 and she's probably telling the truth.)

Also where I workout there's this lady who has grey hair (which I love, 'cause I'm "that old guy" that comes to workout) but she's so tremendously fit I hate her. Her version of ab maintenance is to lay allover onea those gigantic balls all out in the middle of everyone - and honest to goodness it looks like she's practicing 'organisms' when she works on her abs (complete with accompanying groans and 'ahhhs'). This goes on for like twenty minutes.. Hehe, I don't think I'm vain enough to try her method.. hell.. I'd be embarrassed even infronta the cats - but it seems to work for her.... Good thing she doesn't live in Golden I guess.. I mean I'd need a cig after all that crap..

Kid stuff. I love kids, and the enthusiasm that radiates from them. All my life, kinda, I've been a kid. I've associated with kids (former teacher/coach), led life right alongside my kid (Scouts, coaching his stuff - soccer, basketball, baseball, etc).. I love when old farts demonstrate youthful exuberance.. Just yesterday, we got this feller who's 73 that works here.. the biggest 'kid' of alltime.. Long about 2:45pm (he goes home at 3pm) I peeked from the outside into his office.. He was leaning back in his chair, mouth open, obviously counting z's... I tapped on his window - he aroused.. and then flipped me off. Hehe.. Ya gotta love kidstuff. It's my hope I'm stilla kid at age 73. Hell, I hope I'm anything still at age 73.

Ok, outta here. Happy Friday.. Don't worry about choosing "the right" gift -- for if it's a true loved one, they'll simply appreciate the fact of when you picked it out - there was 100% focus upon them. Touch someone today - it'll simply tell 'em you like 'em. Whistle. Sing (Not you Kendra). Don't worry, be happy. Love, Victurd


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